C10 - Hardships

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Little TW for transphobia at the end of the chapter

Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce a new opportunity. The Stark Industries Internship test! Designed to look beyond whatever paper you obtained / are obtaining at school, this test allows us to pick out the best and brightest people and offer them an internship

| Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

The test is currently mostly focused on science, which is the departments that can currently provide internships main focus. However, don't fear, we are working hard on expanding it to include the more human side of our company such as our legal, PR and our accounting department.

|| Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

That being said, this test is not just any test, it is one that will test qualities necessary in our company. It will test determination, problem solving and self-knowledge. It will also include tests in skills and knowledge such as hacking, physics, math and chemistry, to get an accurate estimate towards your knowledge and beliefs.

| Cam @treeboi

Does this mean people in high school can give it a go?

|| Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

Absolutely. Regardless of if your capabilities are what we are looking for right now, it will at least profile you within our company and allow us to track your progression as you grow and learn more. So yes, we encourage anyone who has an interest in an internship with us to give it a go.

| Candy @fancyrocks

Well... where can we find the test?

|| Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

Ah yes.... while I will be answering more questions our next main tweet will be the first part of the scavenger hunt, which will in the future also be referenced on the Stark Industries website with the information for

Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

[Image of equation]


And within seconds, #SIhunt was trending globally.


Peter was going back out on patrol for the first time since... his situation changed. His previous home was temporary, he was barely able to get adjusted before he was once again moved. This one was supposed to be more permanent though. At least for a longer term, he wouldn't say permanent. But it was supposed to be longer than a week, and Spider-man couldn't stay away for too long or...

He didn't know what. It wasn't like he thought people were going to be worried about him. It was more along the lines of the criminals might notice and crime would rise and everything that happened while he was away would be his fault. So he couldn't stay away for too long, or innocent people would get hurt due to his negligence.

He had told his foster family that he was going to Ned's place after school, and they had told him to be back in time for dinner at 6PM. That left him around 3 hours of patrolling, pitstops on the way back not included. Because after all, crime didn't rest just because he had to eat. Or grieve for that matter.

Once he had left the school and changed into his suit, he felt this surge of confidence. The cloud that been hanging over him for the past few days had a small gap in it. That gap was Spider-man. A surge of adrenaline filling him – or was it dopamine? - he called out to Karen. "Karen, could you give me a status report of the time since I was last in the suit?"

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