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Odette was standing on the other side of the glass, her hands clasped in front of her. Anyone who was watching would have thought she was completely indifferent, but Juliette knew she was simmering beneath the façade. She only ever came to the infirmary with her when she wanted to talk to Dr. Violet. But now she refused to step inside the room, instead opting to stay and watch through the glass window as if Juliette was an animal in a cage.

Juliette crossed her ankles, swinging her legs and chewing her lip. Her eye was back to normal, thankfully.

Dr. Violet walked in a moment later, pushing a cart of vials in front of her.

Juliette glanced back at Odette, holding her gaze when Odette rolled her eyes. It probably went unnoticed by Odette, but Juliette wanted her sister to know she wasn't afraid. Even though she was starting to tremble.

"Did you do those tests I gave you last week?" Dr. Violet asked, tapping on her data tablet. She looked irritated. Well, more so than usual.

Juliette nodded. "Yes."

"Every day?"

"I said yes," Juliette drawled.

"Good. I know you don't like needles, but we have to do at least three today. I'll try and do them quickly, but if you hold still and relax it will go by faster."

Juliette swallowed, blinking the moisture from her eyes and swallowing. She forced a nod, imagining her and Noah outside his ship again. The way his hands felt on her face, on her waist. The press of his lips against hers.

Dr. Violet grew silent as she loaded a syringe with one of the liquids and turned toward Juliette.

Juliette's vision started to blur and she dug her fingernails into her palms, forcing air into her lungs. Already her vision started to speckle, the back of her head feeling like it was falling asleep. Breathe, breathe, breathe, she told herself, over and over again.

Dr. Violet grabbed her arm and inserted the needle into the soft side of her forearm.

Juliette barely stifled a groan, the edges of her vision turning white.

"You do this every day, Princess, just calm yourself and we'll be done soon," Dr. Violet said as she tossed the needle into a hazard waste basket and reached for another one.

"I'm perfectly calm," Juliette retorted, jerking her arm back when Dr. Violet withdrew the needle.

Two guards stepped forward and each one grabbed one of Juliette's arms, forcing her back.

Juliette stifled a groan as an additional needle was inserted into her other arm. She winced, a dull ache spreading up her shoulder and down her spine. With one last final attempt to twist free, Juliette let out a scream, but the guard's hold remained strong.

Dr. Violet withdrew the needle. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?"

Juliette swallowed, forcing air into her lungs. She couldn't find the will to respond. The edges of her vision were speckled with stars, and pins tickled her fingertips. A dull ache started to creep up from the base of her neck.

"I'm going to say something, and I want you to tell me the first thing that comes into your mind, understand?"

Juliette nodded. Her body started tingling and she forced her eyes open. She shivered against a wave of fear, rubbing her palms against her eyes.

"Keep your hands down."

Juliette jumped at the sharpness of her tone but she silently obeyed.


The Princess and the Guard (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang