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Juliette drew her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. She tried to focus her thoughts on something. Anything. Nothing seemed to stick long enough to hold her attention. Her head hurt so much she couldn't keep her eyes open.

The air around her was cold and dark, but a tap on the screen of her tablet said it was almost eight in the morning. With a shaky sigh, she stretched out onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Her blanket had ended up tangled around her, and she worked to get it straightened.

She didn't think she'd ever felt this empty, this blank. Her eyes burned, but the urge to cry wasn't there. If anything, she was just plain tired and would have loved to get some decent sleep.

True to Odette's word, Dr. Violet had been coming to see her. Odette said she would only come once a week, but she'd come eight times already. Juliette had the same, brain-prickling sensation every time she was injected. It went away after a few hours, but Juliette wasn't spared from having nightmares.

She really hoped Noah had been able to get his ship repaired in her absence. She hadn't been able to send or receive any external communications, and it had been driving her insane. Noah wouldn't know why she wasn't answering, and she couldn't take any of what he learned and expand on it. She hadn't been able to do any work on the ship's computer, or clean the inside, or look into purchasing supplies for their trip.

Eat something. You need food, Juliette told herself. She hadn't eaten in over twelve hours, and despite her stomach gnawing at her, nothing sounded appealing. There were plenty of snacks here, and even some juices, but that would require getting up, and she'd finally managed to get warm.

Something rattled outside the heavy metal door. Juliette's heart leapt to her throat, but she didn't move. The door creaked open. Juliette glanced at the clock again, frowning. Breakfast was here early.

The door creaked open with a thud. Brightness flooded the room and Juliette squinted, her eyes finally watering.

Two guards stood outside, but a woman cloaked in black stepped in.

Natasha. She dipped her head in a bow. "Your Highness. Her Majesty returned from Canyons last night and has ordered your release. I'm to take you back to your room."

Juliette blinked. She pushed herself up, gathering her two portable tablets and favorite hoodie from the small bed. She kept her jaw clenched, refusing to let Natasha see how cold she was.

Natasha walked with Juliette back to her room—her real room. The one where the windows opened into fresh air, and the bed had more than one blanket. The one where Noah had climbed up onto the balcony and played cards with her, where they used to fall asleep together watching TV.

"Your maids will be up tomorrow morning," Natasha added softly. She walked in with Juliette but motioned for the guards with her to stay outside before closing the door. "There's some fresh breakfast there if you're hungry, and I had some clean clothes brought in as well. I don't know if you remember, but Odette's birthday celebration is in a few days."

Juliette nodded. Odette and her stupid, frivolous parties.

Natasha took a step forward. "Are you okay?"

Juliette met Natasha's gaze. "I've been locked up for a month with no one but a needle-wielding doctor."

"I'm so sorry, Juliette," Natasha whispered.

Juliette's eyebrows twitched. She shook her head. "It's not your fault."

Natasha looked like she might say something else, but she didn't. She swallowed. Licked her lips. "Eat something, and then get some rest."

Juliette nodded. "Thank you. Is... is Noah back?" she asked, hesitating. She hadn't heard from him the entire time she'd been locked away. Odette had restricted her communication abilities for the duration of her imprisonment.

"He got back from Armament a few weeks ago, but he's not here now."

Juliette's heart stilled.

"He's fine," Natasha quickly added. "He took a piloting assignment for one of the House Leaders, but he should be back in a few days or so."

Juliette let out another shaky sigh. He was safe, at least.

Alone, Juliette sank down at her desk where some food had been left. Fluffy scrambled eggs, toast and jam, and what looked to be buttered beans. Steam was rising off the plate, curling into the air. She probably should have waited for it to cool off, but she was too hungry.

Juliette groaned. She hadn't had anything decent to eat in a month. Her work-room-turned-prison-cell had a decent supply of food, but it was all freeze-dried or dehydrated. Nonperishables.

She took her plate and pulled open the curtains at the window that opened onto one of her balconies. The sun was hidden, as always, but she could still soak up some radiant light. She shivered, taking another bite, and relishing in the feeling of hot, fresh food.

While eating, she fished her tablet out of her pocket and sent another nex't to Noah. Her first one had gone undelivered, and she worried something was wrong with her tablet. If he was out of the country, though, it might not be able to get through until he came home. She just assumed he was somewhere in another House, but maybe he flew out of the country.

With a shaky exhale, Juliette checked on the status of Odette's birthday party. Everyone who was someone in Demetria was invited, well over three hundred people.

At some point, a maid came in with a brand-new dress straight from House Luxe. It was beautiful. So beautiful, Juliette was afraid to touch it for fear of ruining it.

Juliette shivered, snapping her tablet off. As soon as she finished her breakfast, she took a shower and then put on the clothes from Natasha. They were soft and smelled new.

Juliette's tablet pinged and she glanced at it, her heart leaping to her throat. It wasn't Noah, much to her disappointment, but an itinerary for Odette's birthday. Already preparations were underway, even though it was well over a month out.

Throughout the rest of the day, Juliette picked up her room. It wasn't terribly messy, because she'd been gone for so long, but it gave her something to do.

Finally, at the end of the day, Juliette climbed into her bed and relished in the comfort her blankets always brought. Her sheets still smelled clean. They were washed right before she was locked up and the faintest hint of the laundry detergent lingered.

Juliette worked her jaw, bunching one of the pillows beneath her and forcing her eyes closed.

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