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Odette tucked one of her legs beneath her as she settled back against her settee. She stifled a yawn, tired from the day's events and ready for a good night's sleep. She'd just stood up when there was a gentle knock at her door.

Odette straightened the tie on her silky robe.

Natasha walked in a moment later, her face oddly bright.

"What is it?"

"I just received word from King Philippe."

Odette's heart stopped. A wary grin crept onto her face. "And?"

"He would like to move forward with the proposed marriage alliance."

Odette drew back, surprised. She thought for certain he would have decided against it, which, in all honesty, she wouldn't have been overly disappointed about. "It took him long enough."

"I thought you would be pleased." Natasha smiled.

Odette strung a hand through her silky hair, sinking back down onto the settee. Oh to not only be finally rid of Juliette, but to have a way into France, a way into the rest of the world, all rolled into one beautiful package.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your evening, Majesty, and I thought to wait to tell you until tomorrow morning but thought you'd want to know right away," Natasha added.

Odette waved a hand in the air. "Not to worry."

In the meantime, Odette now had a slew of things she needed to start organizing and getting done. Since Dr. Violet was finally making real progress, Odette was confident the serum would be perfect before the end of next year, which meant Juliette's usefulness would be at an end.

"I wonder now if you should have waited until tomorrow to tell me because now I won't sleep," Odette added with a laugh.

"My apologies. Can I have one of the maids bring you some tea?"

"Yes, actually, that would be wonderful," Odette added with a hiccup. Skies, she hated the hiccups. She wished she knew what brought them on.

Natasha bobbed a quick curtsey and disappeared. The tea arrived in only a few minutes, complete with a few pecan cookies.

While she sipped at her tea and nibbled on the cookies, Odette contacted King Philippe. One of the things she'd explicitly told him was she wanted to keep the whole thing under wraps for the time being.

Around midnight Odette finally shut her computer off and started toward her bed. She paused at the window, peering up toward the sky. It was black, no stars visible through the ever present snow, but she could imagine what it would look like to finally look out the window and see stars glittering in the night sky.

Oh to see the sky! The sun and the moon and the stars and clouds, even rain. To feel the warmth of the day from nature, not artificial life supports placed throughout the palace to keep the temperature.

Odette laced her hands together behind her head and stared up at the ceiling, the grin plastered to her face.

The Princess and the Guard (Book 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat