Out of the woods

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"Wow, someone is brave today." She grabbed you and slapped you. "Red is your colour." She said and looked at your face covered with blood.

"Yeah, your heart is black too." You said and she looked at you, throw you at the wall and you fall on the floor again. It's was hurt. All your body were blue and red from her punching.

"Kill this bitch for real." Some boy shout. You didn't care anymore, you let her do it, punch you. "I don't care.. do it." You said and she did. Hit you.

You felt like you going to pass out, but you passed out when she hit you with her bag. And that's the last thing you saw.

"Who is Matthew sturniolo?" The principal came to Matt's class and called him. "Me sir." Matt raise his hand and get out of the class.

"Hey.. your mom called the school, she said that you're have to go home right now and looked at your texts, have a good day." He said and gave Matt a note to get out of the school.

Matt looked at his phone and saw a lot of messages of his mother. He saw one text that made him so angry. 'Hey, y/n is in the hospital.. I'm on my way.' She write and Matt get out of school and go to his car.

He drove to the hospital faster than he does, trying to reach you, but it's always hanging up.

He got inside the hospital and so his mom with your mom. "Hey mom!" He ran to her. "Hey honey.." "where is she? Is she fine?" He was so worried. "Yeah she is." Her mother calm him down.

"What happened?" He asked. "Some girl throw at her a bag and didn't stop to hit her with a punch's, she have blue marks all over her body." The mother said. "And she is okay?" Matt asked. "Yeah, she just asleep, we didn't do anything yet."

"So why arent you doing something?" Matt shouts. "Hey honey, it's fine she'll be fine." His mom said and clam him down. "We will, it's my daughter. I won't let her go through pain." She said and went to her room.

"Matt.." she called him. Matt turn around and looked at her. He heard her calling him. "Do you wanna to join me?" She offered him, Matt took this offer and walked with her.

All the way with her, he looked for your room. He didn't found any girl who looks pretty as you are. He just looked for your eyes and your hair, didn't know what to look. Then she stop front of a door.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Get in.." she said and opened the door, there he found what he looked for, you.

He saw you, all of you were covered with marks and a few other marks on your body. He just sat next to you and smiled. "Thank you." He said and she closed the door.

"Hey my beautiful angel.." he touched your hair and in on hand he held your hands. "I promise you that you'll go through it." He said. "You'll get better soon, and I'll take you to a safe place."
He said to you even when you weren't awake.

"Like you said, we'll go out of the woods, okay?" He said what you always said. What you told him in the first time.

- six months ago-

"I hate this stupid world." You fall on Matt's bed. "Why?" Matt turn around to look at you. "Because I have no friends, people acting like shit." "Wow, wow.. you don't have friends at school?" Matt stoped you. "Yeah. But it's okay." You said.

"Wow. Why I didn't know that?" He asked you. "It's just complicated." You told him. "Why?" He asked. "Because they hate me all of them."

"I'm sure they're not."
"Yes they are Matt. They're talk about me make shit on my body and me. They punched me once.."
"Punch you?"

Matt looked at you, he wanted the answer to his question, why people is hurting you? What have you done to them?

"I'm fine Matt." You told him. "Why they're punching you?" He asked again. "I don't know, but I just want it's to get better.." you told him. "I want it to stop." You adds. Matt sat next to you. "It's will get better , I promise." He kissed your forehead and hugs you.

"I'll get out of the woods.." you whispered. "What?" He asked. "It's a Taylor's song.." you said. "Your favourite singer?" You nodded when he asked you. "Well, I wanna listen to this song." He gave you his phone.

It's was the best night of his life, listening to music with you and forget of your feelings and the whole world.

You woke up Right after you felt better. "Hey.." Matt said. "Hey?" You asked him and try to get up. "Hey wow, no." Matt helped you lie down. "Why? Where am I." You asked Matt.

"You got hit by a girl, with a table and a bag, kicked in the head and hit the wall.. pretty cool." He said and you sighs. "Shit." You whispered.

"It's okay my girl." He said. "I'm here." He held your hand. "Matt I can't do it anymore." You told him, "I can't go there anymore.. it's like hell over there.." you cried. "I know baby." He said, holding your hand harder. "Please take me out of there, I'm begging." You said and felt breathless.

"I will I promise, I won't let you go there anymore." He said and kissed the back of your hand.

It's was Friday, your mom came back home and invited Matt for being such a good boyfriend and staying with you at the hospital.

She made a dinner and made you feel okay for once, you loved it. To be with your favourite people and having fun.

"Hey honey we have a surprise for you." Your mom gave you a letter before Matt left your house. "What is that?" You asked her and looked at Matt who smiled. "Open and find out." He said.

You opened the letter and read it. "Is that a sign letter.. to Matt's school?" You asked. "Yeah." Matt nodded. "My mom convinced your mom to move you out of your school and go to mine." He said. "And you're with me in the same class." He adds.

"No fucking way." You said and jumped on Matt. "Okay! " Matt hold you and you giggled with him. "I love you! I love you! I love you!" You shouts at Matt and kissed his lips again and again.

"Thank you!" You hugs your mom. "Okay!! Thanks Matt not me." She said. "He is the planner." She laughed. "Yeah I have one more plan.. you wanna come over?" He asked you.

"No! Matthew sturniolo, don't you dare take my daughter away from me until I have a day off." Your mom said and you laughed. "It's a great idea Matt." You said and matt took your hand.

You get out of the door with Matt and ran all over the street. "Hey! Come back here!" Your mom said. "Sorry mom!! I love you but matt is better!" You said and laughed. "Huh! Have fun with your boyfriend."

"Yeah I will mom." You said and drive away with Matt. "Finally out of the woods." You said. "Come on we are going to listening to the music now?" Matt asked. "Yeah, to this song." I put the song on the radio and Matt just drove.

"Sing with me matt.." you said and both of you sang every song that were in the mix album.

Finally getting out of the place you were figuring to get out of.

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