When I opened the door, I saw the person I was least expecting to show up at my room.

"Hey sleepy head" Liv teases me.

"Hi Liv. What brings you to Las Vegas? The Super Bowl isn't until the falling Sunday."

"Well nice to see you too Spencer."

"Liv I'm sorry I didn't mean-" she cuts me off. "I know, I'm just like teasing you Spencer." Liv smirked at me when all I could do is smile.

"I'm actually here because one of my other clients, Patrick Mahomes, the quarterback you're playing against in the Super Bowl. We just closed a deal with Adidas and he is going to have his signature cleat next season plus a $1 million worth of incentives; meaning if he leads his team to the post season or is awarded for personal achievements during the regular season, they're going to pay him that extra money."

"Wow Liv, you really know how to make things happen for pro athletes."

"Hey, that's what I do. My clients earn these types of deals, they go out and work every day, and to see it pay off, I couldn't be happier."

Spencer's Thoughts:

Hearing how Liv is successful at her job, I couldn't be happier for. I really wish I had a sports agent who's willing to fight for me. There were times where I wanted to ask her if she would represent me, but I thought it would be  inappropriate given that we started to know each other outside of work. Plus, I may even start to have feelings for her, which makes things even more complicated. If anything were to happen between us, I'm afraid she and her family would despise me. She is so gorgeous that I want to walk up right up to her, kiss her on the lips with passion, and tell her how I feel. HOLD UP SPENCER! HOLD UP! SLOW YOUR ROLL BECAUSE YOU'RE GETTING AHEAD OF YOURSELF!

"Spencer? Spencer?"


"Everything ok? Because you started zoning out when I told I couldn't be happier for my clients."

"Uh yeah sorry about that. Everything is fine. Just had a lot going on this morning." I lied not wanting to tell her the truth and started to look away.

"Hey. We can talk about it. Not talk about it. Whatever you need." Liv told me as she walked up and put her hand on my shoulder.

"It was nothing bad actually."

"Then why the long face?"

"So you know how these past couple days I've with the lawsuit I filed against my former agent?"


"Well the case ruled in my favor and I'll be rewarded $10 million."

"Spencer that's great news, but why don't you sound like you're thrilled about it? Did something else happen?"

"No. After I heard I won and on the plane ride over here, I kept asking myself, 'How can I be so stupid that I let this happen'? I had to learn the hard way, but luckily legal action was taken and it ruled in my favor."

"Spencer. Look at me." I look at her while she grabs and holds my hands. "You didn't know about Jack, and it all worked out for you. But you can't blame yourself for this. Things will get better for you Spencer."

"Thank you. I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but I'm really happy to have you in my life Liv."

"I'm happy to have you too Spencer."

We both smiled and hugged each other. At that moment, we looked deep into each other's eyes, and we both started to lean into each other for a kiss when all of a sudden my phone starts to ring. "Ah man, every time." I said in my head.


"Spencer James, this is Bill Hays from Nike. I'm calling on behalf of my supervisor, who would like to meet with you to discuss some amazing news about you possibly joining the Nike family. Is that something you're interested in?"

"Yes, sir. What time would you like to meet?"

"Tomorrow afternoon at the conference hall in Caesars Palace."

"Sounds good sir."

"I will notify my supervisor and text you the details. We can't wait to see to Spencer!"

"Likewise, and thank you for calling me."

Well that just happened and I'm a lost for words. "What just happened?" I thought to myself. Liv sees the concern look on my face and comes up to me and asks, "Hey, are you ok? Who was that?"

"It was a representative from Nike and his team wants to meet with me tomorrow and discuss on possibly joining Nike."

"Spencer that's amazing!"

"Liv could you do me a favor?"

"Can you please come with me to meeting for moral support? I just don't want to be alone in the meeting."

"Of course Spencer!"

"Thank you." We smile at each other while holding our hands together.
We are finally in Vegas. Liv decided to surprise Spencer and is always willing to be there for him. Things will get interesting next chapter so buckle up. Thank you guys for reading and let know your thoughts in the comment section.

My Other HalfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora