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        "When I first became interested in science," Senku said, remembering when he had first found a science book in his elementary school's library. "I read a biography about Thomas Edison."

"What the heck is electricity anyways?" Senku would ask himself. As he sat in his class, he had a pile of books on his desk, and one in his hands as he read out loud. "Wow, so there are only four fundamental forces in the universe? Gravitational... magnetic, electrical, and then 'strong force' and 'weak force'". The little boy chuckled as he read the science book. "That sounds ridiculously weird!"

Senku thought back more to his childhood. "I had only studied physics and other things, but I hadn't become interested in biology until I met her."

When Senku was younger, he had spotted a little girl, away from all their other classmates. He was going to simply ignore her, before he saw the book she had in his hand. It didn't look like a children's book, nor did it look like a book meant for young children in general. If anything, it looked like a textbook.

"What are you reading?" He asked her, looking over her shoulder to take a look.

The girl didn't flinch, and she simply looked at the boy. "A biology textbook."

"Why would you want to read that?" Senku looked at her, confused.

"I have to." She said, going back to reading her textbook.


"Because my mother wants me to read it."


"So I become a doctor or a physician."

"Is it boring?"

"Not entirely," Her voice didn't change throughout the conversation. "If anything, I think it is a good thing to read. It addresses what the cells of our own body do. Believe it or not, when you get a papercut or a normal knife cut, the red blood cells start gathering to create a blood clot, to help minimize bleeding. The process is called vasoconstriction. The outer layer of skin, called the epidermis, will start replicating from out to in, and eventually, once the cells meet, it sends signals to the brain to tell it that the wound has been clogged, and there is no need for replication."

"That sounds very complex," Senku said, sitting next to the girl. "How do you remember it?"

"My mother drilled it into my head," (Y/n) said. "So I know what is happening to my body if I were to ever get cut or scraped. I had dumped it down for you, since you are only smart in the physics field, and not the biological field."

"Well, I think I'd like to know more." Little Senku said, scooting closer to (Y/n) and took her textbook away, and started reading it.

This was when (Y/n) started the tradition of punching Senku in the arm.

Senku looked down at the two ends of the wire, and he smiled brightly. He had gained one of the fundamental forces of the universe: electricity.

As (Y/n) watched her friend, she smiled a little. The last time she had seen her friend smile this wide, was when they had launched that rocket into space, and the little dolls had started floating. No, that smile wasn't as big as this one.

"Serotonin," (Y/n) said, sitting down next to her friend on the top of Chrome's shed. "I'm going to take an educated guess, and say that is what is running through you."

"And you remember which glands those hormones come from?" Senku asked her, jokingly testing his friend to see if she remembers.

The physician rolled her eyes and punched Senku in the arm. "I'm not Taiju. In the raphe nuclei located in the midline of the brainstem. At least, that's where it mostly comes from anyways."

Illogically Logical (Senku x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now