Chapter 4: Show Me The Depths Of Your Mind

Start from the beginning

I picked up the belt and pulled off the buckle. I took it and tied it in a tight knot, then attached my dagger to the side. There were a pair of thick wool socks at the bottom of the pile, which made my boots a little tighter than normal, but I wasn't going to complain when my feet were so warm.

My hair was a mess of twigs, knots, and dirt. It must've been a sight to see me earlier. I brushed for what felt like forever, pulling out sticks and leaves. I took my now frizzy hair and braided it over my shoulder. The black hair slid down and ended at the swell of my chest. Not terrible.

The hallway was silent, and the wind blew down from the hole in the ceiling. I skipped down the steps, being sure to avoid those that were completely missing. The first floor was much more welcoming. The sconces that scattered across the walls held great mountains of wax, and some held multiple lit candles that swayed in a phantom wind.

I did as instructed and followed the red rug down the left hall. The rug running down the right was a dirty green. I wouldn't call it much of a rug—or red. It looked a part of these ruins. Missing chunks and covered in splotches of water damage. It was more of a dark brown than red, really.

I was so focused on the rug that I didn't realize that I had reached the end of my journey, and nearly head-butted a set of large oak doors. I swallowed hard and reached out for the handle. My nerves started screaming at me, and I was suddenly stricken with terror.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I could do this—that I had gone through much worse and still made it out alive. So, I opened the door and slipped out on the other side as quietly as possible. The hall differed from what I remembered. One of the long tables now sat in the center of the room, with candles decorating it. Sprawled across the top were maps and lists. A few men stood around the table, deep in a conversation that remained a hushed whisper.

I scanned the rest of the room. The chair was no longer at the top of the stairs, but at the end of the table, where the High Lord sat. The other doors were locked with large wooden beams, and standing on either side of the door I just entered from were two guards. Okay... so this was a private meeting.

From the end of the table, I watched the shadowsinger closely. He was different from the last time I saw him. Like a new mind attached to the same body. He looked at me with intently cold eyes, and he bent down to whisper something in the High Lord's ear.

He raised a hand, causing the others to hush in a second, and looked up to see me. They all did. Five heavily armored men now stared at me. My back straightened, and I moved to smooth out a skirt that wasn't there. So instead I brushed away invisible dust from my pants. I walked hesitantly over to the table and stood at the only empty spot opposite the High lord.

"Let me introduce you, princess Rowena, to the idiotic generals of my army," he said, gesturing around the table. I could tell he was very annoyed and possibly enraged by his generals.

I leaned over and looked at the two maps laid across the table. The first one was unfamiliar, and held more geographic details than the other, which was the one I took from Beron's tent. The High Lord watched me with a twinkle of curiosity in his violet eyes.

I looked up and took in the men around me, and the look of frustration they all held. I cleared my throat and said, "please, continue."

"Are we seriously allowing this?" One general said. He was an older male with bright blue eyes and a permanent frown on his face.

"Allowing what? Are you concerned that a female might know more about this than you?" The shadowsinger asked, smirking at the general with a fierce look in his eyes.

"A female has no place here," the male said, standing his ground.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I am right in front of you. If you wish to insult me—look me in the eye."

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