|| See you again ||

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As Sapnap focuses on building Kinoko's Kingdom and healing his heart, he is both surprised and conflicted when he sees Karl and Quackity entering his realm, hand in hand.

Mixed emotions surge through Sapnap's heart. Part of him is happy to see Karl, the person he once loved, again. But seeing Karl with Quackity, holding hands, reopens wounds that had barely begun to heal.

Sapnap takes a moment to compose himself, reminding himself of the purpose behind Kinoko's Kingdom—to create a haven for exploration and connections. He can't let personal feelings get in the way of that vision.

Putting on a brave face, Sapnap approaches Karl and Quackity, greeting them with a polite smile. "Welcome to Kinoko's Kingdom," he says, his voice laced with a hint of melancholy.

Karl returns the greeting, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and sincerity. "Thank you, Sapnap. We heard about this place and couldn't resist exploring it together."

Quackity stands by Karl's side, a look of unease crossing his face. He senses the tension in the air and tries to defuse it. "Sapnap, your kingdom is impressive. You've done an incredible job here."

Sapnap forces a smile, but inside, his heart aches. He understands that Karl has moved on, and he must respect that. The pain of their lost connection weighs heavily on him, but he refuses to let it cloud his judgment.

"Thank you, Quackity," Sapnap replies, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I'm glad you both appreciate the kingdom. Feel free to explore and enjoy everything it has to offer."

And so, Sapnap watches as Karl and Quackity venture into the kingdom, hand in hand, their presence a bittersweet reminder of what once was.

Sapnap finds solace in the knowledge that he has created a place where people can find joy and forge connections, even if his own heart still bears the scars of lost love. As he continues to lead Kinoko's Kingdom, he vows to focus on the happiness of others and find his own path to healing along the way.

As Sapnap watches Karl and Quackity explore Kinoko's Kingdom, his heart feels heavy with unresolved emotions. Despite his best efforts to move on, being in Karl's presence rekindles the feelings he thought he had left behind.

Unable to ignore the growing turmoil within him, Sapnap musters the courage to have an honest conversation with Karl. He seeks a moment alone with him, away from the prying eyes of others, to express what he's been holding inside.

One evening, as the sun sets and casts a warm glow over the kingdom, Sapnap finds Karl sitting by a tranquil lake, lost in thought. He approaches him, his voice trembling slightly as he speaks.

"Karl, may I talk to you for a moment?" Sapnap asks, his voice filled with vulnerability.

Karl looks up, his eyes meeting Sapnap's, and he nods, sensing the seriousness in his tone. "Of course, Sapnap. What's on your mind?"

Taking a deep breath, Sapnap opens up his heart, sharing the conflicting emotions he's experienced since they crossed paths again. He tells Karl about the pain of their past and the lingering feelings that have resurfaced.

"I can't deny the fact that being near you stirs up so many emotions," Sapnap admits, his voice filled with both longing and trepidation. "I thought I could move on, but seeing you with Quackity... it's been difficult."

Karl listens attentively, his expression a mix of understanding and empathy. He reaches out, placing a gentle hand on Sapnap's arm.

"Sapnap, I never meant to hurt you," Karl says softly. "I thought I had moved on too, but being here, being reminded of our past... it's complicated."

Sapnap's heart skips a beat at Karl's response, a glimmer of hope shining within him. "Karl, is there a chance for us? Can we give our connection another try?"

Karl pauses, his gaze searching Sapnap's eyes, contemplating the possibilities. After a moment, he offers a small, hesitant smile.

"I don't have all the answers, Sapnap, but I think it's worth exploring," Karl says, his voice filled with sincerity. "Let's take it slowly and see where our hearts lead us."

A wave of relief and joy washes over Sapnap, and he can't help but smile back at Karl. They both understand that rekindling their relationship will require time, patience, and open communication. But for now, they're willing to embark on this new chapter together.

With renewed hope and a sense of possibility, Sapnap and Karl embrace the opportunity to rediscover their connection, within the enchanting embrace of Kinoko's Kingdom.

24th of June

Enflamed LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora