'embarrassed' - Cole Mackenzie

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» Cole Mackenzie x female reader!

» thank you 'rose_army1234' for requesting ♡


'careful!' Miss Stacy said as we walked along a narrow and muddy path. Today Miss Stacy decided to take her class out to see the frog and fish that live in the lake. They were talking about water animals and thought it would be a fun idea to let everyone see one face to face.

'and here we are' Miss Stacy said as she began to place her picnic blanket next to the edge of the lake. 'students place your blankets on the floor, we will have lunch first then have a nose around to see if we spot any animals'.


after everyone ate, Miss Stacy encouraged the children to circle around the lake and see if they spot any animals. Y/n started walking about with her close friend Anne, when she suddenly was pushed into the lake. She screamed as her body splashed into the water.
She gasps for air as her head comes above the water, just to see billy and his friends laughing hysterically and a worried Anne 'Y/n are you alright? Here give me your hand i'll help you out'. Y/n grabbed onto Anne's hand as she pulled her out of the water, she soon realised everyone was laughing, staring and pointing at her. Miss Stacy soon came over 'Y/n darling are you alright?' y/n nodded as she runs off towards the picnic blankets. Miss Stacy then turned towards Billy and said 'you nasty boy. A months detention and i'm going to have a very serious meeting with your parents' before following after y/n. Once she made it to the picnic blankets she realised y/ns blanket and belongings were gone.


The next day y/n didn't show up to school. Instead she sat in her bedroom crying. She felt humiliated after what happened and wished she could just be buried alive. The worst part was her best friend cole saw everything. I know that might not sound bad but y/n had the biggest crush on cole. She can't help but stare at him in class and admire his work from afar. She was always too nervous to complement him, she still struggled to talk to him without freaking out, let alone saying how beautiful his art work is.


Y/ns mother forced her to go in the next day. She decided not to talk to cole the whole day and probably for the rest of her life. She was sure he was going to bring up what happened at the lake and she wouldn't dare give him to opportunity to do so. As she walked into school, she hung up her belongings and sat down in her seat quietly. Luckily everyone was distracted by finishing homework or talking with their friends.

But soon Cole noticed the girl hiding in the corner and walked over to her. 'hi y/n, you doing okay? why weren't you in yesterday? oh is it because-' y/n soon shut him up by saying 'leave me alone' before opening her book. Cole looked at her a little stunned before saying 'alright, if that's what you want' and walked off to his desk.

of course y/n felt bad but she couldn't let him remember that day, she was so upset by it. why would he like a girl that gets pushed around so easily?. Soon lunch came around and Cole approached y/n again 'hey look i don't know what i've done wrong but-' and before Cole could finish his sentence y/n walked off, leaving Cole very confused a slightly hurt.


soon school was over and y/n placed her hat on her head before picking up her basket to leave. She was the last student in the school house as Miss Stacy kept her behind to give her the work she missed yesterday. She then left the school building after saying goodbye to Miss Stacy, only to lock eyes with Cole. She decided to just pretend he wasn't there and continue walking.

'y/n wait' Cole said 'y/n!!' he kept repeating her name before he grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face him. 'hey let me go'
y/n said and she tried to get out of his grasp. 'not until you tell me why you've been ignoring me and treating me like trash'
y/n soon gave up and said ' fine.. i was embarrassed after what happened at the lake but i was more embarrassed on how you saw it happen'. 'and why's that? i mean billy is a bully to everyone, there's no reason to be embarrassed about him being a dick' Cole said before letting go of y/ns shoulders. 'i like you Cole, and you seeing me get humiliated like that made me so upset that i couldn't bare the thought of ever talking to you again'.
Cole stared at her for a moment before pulling her in and giving her a soft kiss on the lips 'i like you too y/n'.


hi lovelies!

i would just like to say i'm not not doing any smut requests as i don't feel entirely comfortable doing that.

thank you sm for reading, remember to vote for any imagines you like so i know to write more of them ♡

word count: 906!

sincerely, yours. <3

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