'bye ruby' - Ruby Gillis

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» Ruby Gillis x Male reader


༄ Ruby's pov

Ever since Anne and her brother moved here, I've lost interest in Gilbert. Just something about y/n Shirley pulled me in, could it be his Charming smile or his masculine hands, I'll never know. However something I know for sure is the fact that's he's coming over tonight !

Yes tonight ! We were set in pairs for are upcoming test, to study and he got paired with me !

༄ no ones pov

*knock knock*

"Hey" ruby smiled "hi" she said sheepishly
"Um come in, is studying in my room okay?" "Oh yeah of course" he smiled.

They both walked up the stairs into Ruby's room, sat on her bed and began studying.
It was a maths test, maths is something that ruby struggles with... a lot

"Question 39: 40 x 9 = what ?" Y/n asked as he looked up to see ruby with a puzzled face "I- um I-I don't know " she said as a maroon shade coats her cheeks from embarrassment. "Oh no that's fine here let me help" he smiled as he grabbed her hand, his cheeks turning pink.

~2 hours later~

"And there, 100 questions complete" y/n smiled, ruby couldn't help but admire his smile. He sat up from the bed and grabbed his books and placed them in his bag. "I'll see you tomorrow" he said "yeah" she half smiled "ill walk myself out" but before he did, he lifted Ruby's chin by his index finger and kissed her.

It didn't last long, only about 20 seconds but to them it felt like a life time. He pulled her in by the waist as she wraps her hands around his neck, both ends deepening the kiss. When they broke apart they were both a deep shade of red "bye ruby" she smiled "bye y/n" and he walked out the door.


Hey lovelies,

This short imagine was written differently than my usual ones, so let me know what you think about it ♡

❀ 𝟹𝟺𝟹 words

sincerely, yours. <3

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