Chapter Seven: Pines Return

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"The forest. A biome known for being intriguing and adventurous, however it is also known for being frightening and dangerous. And the forest that I stand in today is none other than the forest of Gravity Falls. It's a strange thing...a really strange thing, but it's home."

Mason 'Dipper' Pines hummed as he scrawled the words of a scientist into his journal. It had been many years even since Weirdmageddon, the crazy apocalypse that affected the town he called home. Dipper had grown a lot since then, even continuing his great uncle's research with his own journals, with him being on his fourth so far. The very same one he was writing in now.

A navy blue book with a silver pine tree. How fitting.

However, while he had changed, Gravity Falls certainly hadn't. There was more people now, sure, but its weirdness never left. Gnomes, Manotaurs, Unicorns, and weird monsters made of candy? Nothing new.

Dipper tapped the bottom of his pen against his chin as he sat on a stump, thinking about what to write next. But then, his phone began to buzz. He looked at his pocket and took it out...and then smiled in surprise when he saw who was even calling him in the first place.

His twin sister, Mabel Pines. Shortly after reaching adulthood, Dipper stayed in Gravity Falls while Mabel went out to become a fashion designer. A very famous one at that. Although, he still had his suspicions that his sticker or glitter-loving sister had some help. Mabel had a tendency to put in so much color that it would blind someone.

Dipper then put the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Dipper!!!" Mabel's voice called. "It's been too long!!! Hiiii!!!"

Dipper chuckled. "Hi, sis. What's up?"

"Oh, you know. Fashion design, business, flying into Oregon to visit everyone. The usual." Mabel said, as nonchalantly as she possibly could.

"Wait, you're on your way here right now!?" Dipper exclaimed, shooting up so fast that he ended up dropping his pen.

"You know it!" Mabel shouted on her end. "I'm so excited!!! I'm flying in from France, so I should be there tomorrow morning!"

"Wait..tomorrow? Why not today?" Dipper asked. "Did you just get on the plane or something??? I don't think you can make calls-"

"I gotta sleep. Duh." Mabel laughed.

Dipper snorted. "Sleep is for the weak."

"Dude, have you been pulling all nighters for the past few years?" Mabel asked. "Anyways, I'll probably be at a hotel or something and cya tomorrow morning! Prepare for my arrival! I expect music and food and-"

"As her majesty wishes." Dipper said in a mocking tone, grinning.


"Cya soon, Mabel!" Dipper said before quickly hanging up. "Okay, now it's time to get out."

But then, he heard the small ruffle of leaves. Dipper sighed and crossed his arms, tapping his foot impatiently for a moment.

The ruffle of leaves was heard again before rapid footsteps were heard. They got faster and louder before a creature of unknown horror lunged forward at Dipper.

Dipper whipped around with a blaster in his hands and he fired, splitting the shadowy creature into pieces. He then sighed. "You guys really gotta get better at that."

And sure enough, the shadowy monster was just a bunch of gnomes put together into one massive thing. A gnome lifted a hand. "I think I've lost a hand..."

"It'll grow back...probably." Dipper said with a shrug before he left.

Dipper ran as fast as he could towards the Mystery Shack, but then groaned when he saw the place was open. Ever since his Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford gave the place over to Soos and his girlfriend, Melody, the place had definitely gotten more attention.

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