Chapter Eleven: The Unified Isles

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Dipper shot up, suddenly returning to consciousness, only for his cheek to sting. "GAH! What the hell?!" He shouted as he rubbed his cheek.

When he finally managed to take in his surroundings Dipper noticed that King and Sasha were sitting beside him, both with a slightly concerned look on their faces.

"Sorry, dude. I couldn't figure out any other way to wake you up." Sasha said as she stepped back.

"We thought you died." King said bluntly.

"Oh." Dipper said with a pause. "Sorry for shouting, where exactly are we?" Dipper asked as he stood up, surveying the area.

"We're at the head of The Isles," King replied. "At least, I'm pretty sure that's where we are..." The little Titan said as he walked around this strange and deserted place.

"Well, wherever it is, a lot of people must have wanted to come here." Sasha said as she started walking down a set of stairs.

Dipper and King looked at each other for a moment before they followed her and then quickly spotted what she was talking about.

There was a large quantity of boats, with what looked to be zeppelin style balloons tied to the top of them.

"What are these things?" Dipper asked as he approached one of the boats, studying each detail that he could see. It was manmade, or witchmade in this case.

"They're Scout Ships." King responded, stepping closer to one of the ships. "They were used by the Emperor's Coven until-"

But then, the young Titan stopped talking as a look of terror suddenly crossed his face and he quickly bolted up the stairs..

Dipper and Sasha panicked as King ran off, and they started chasing after the little guy and calling for him to stop or at least slow down as he ran. But King just kept up his speedy pace, bolting to a strange structure that towered over the three of them, with massive arches and large pits around it.

King then came to a sudden stop, staring down into the pit below him. He just sat there with a terrified look on his face.

When Dipper and Sasha looked down, all they could see was piles of what looked to be dust.

"King...? What's wrong...?" Sasha asked, looking at the dust and then at him.

Dipper scratched his head as he also looked at the dust. "...this is just a bunch of dust."

"It's not dust." King said as tears began to build up in his eyes.

"What?" Dipper asked as he looked down at King.

"It's not dust." King muttered as the tears fell down his face. "It's witches. Every last one of the witches who lived on the Boiling Isles..."

Dipper turned away from King, muttering out an apology. He really didn't know what to say, let alone how to comfort him.

But, Sasha pulled King into a hug, her eyes soft and gentle. "'s okay...this wasn't your fault, King...."

King sniffled and gripped onto Sasha's jacket, hugging her back tightly. "I know but...I probably knew most of those people here...m-my FAMILY...I-I remember that day so clearly...if we had j-just shown up earlier, we could've...we could've stopped it."

"Not likely." Dipper replied, looking around. "Judging by the state of things, I'd say this all happened years ago..."

Sasha just glared up at Dipper, holding King closer. "Not. Helping."

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