Peace be on his soul

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Year 5801 (Qiza)

Qiza was bored and tired, when it was time for lunch break, she sprang out of her chair, avoiding running into anyone, she took out her lunch box and a new novel she's reading.

Elated because finally after a while she found herself something to her taste and interesting to read, she was also sad because she will complete this novel within a day or two.

She sat in the corner, eating and reading at the same time, hoping that no one would disturb her and try to hold a conversation with her. She rather read than waste her time, chit chattering.

Oh my God! Oh my God! Finally this book is my type. I love it, the MC is young and kind, definitely my type.

"Qiza, what are you reading?"

Averting her eyes from the page, she looked up at Asoni. Qiza finds her kind and decent and yet she doesn't like it whenever anyone disturbs her reading time.

Qiza smiled despite her annoyance and closed the book, keeping it in her bag, she said. "It's about a young wizard."

"You enjoy reading." Stated Asoni as she sat down across Qiza.

Qiza loves reading, reading is one of the few things she really enjoys, yet she declined, shaking her head. "I read to pass my time. I'm not an avid reader."

She was irritated by her reading time cut short as she was looking forward to the lunch break to read in silence and sat in the corner to be hidden, still she was found; sighing mentally, She said. "Do you find the work boring? It's so mundane repeating same thing over and over."

Asoni laughed. "It's not that bad, I kind of like it."

Qiza doesn't like her work, it was extremely monotonous to do same thing over and over.

I'm only here for the pay. After my plan succeed I will never have to work, all I ever do is eat, read , sleep and then repeat. Can't wait!

"Qiza is it true that you bought a slave?" Asoni question was enough to make her taken aback. She was getting annoyed second by second.

What the? It's barely been a week and the word is spread. I thought I was practically invisible then how?

Maybe having a slave is too much of a big deal? Only wealthy people have slaves.

Asoni waiting for response inquisitive face was making Qiza slightly uneasy. However she did not let it show on her face and asked. "Where did you hear that?"

"Everyone is talking about it. Did you really do it?"

Qiza contemplated about lying then decided to go with the truth as she settled there's no point in lying, she answered. "I kind of did. I had the money, so I thought why not save one soul, you know how miserable are slave's life."

Asoni nodded. "You did a good thing. I heard your slave is extremely beautiful."

Huh? Who is disseminating this kind of info?

Yes, he is good looking but he hardly ever says a word. He only smiles and does whatever he's told.

Sometimes I could not believe it that he is the same guy who tried to kill me.

"Yes, he is." Qiza said with a half smile.

Asoni eyes widened. "Your slave is Man!"

A boy actually.

Qiza didn't bother to correct her and nodded. Does not matter how much she's pretending to be philanthropic. She bought the slave because she had to; there was no other way.

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