Chapter 23

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I slowly opened my eyes as I woke up. When I looked at the clock, it said it was 3:05 in the morning. Strange, usually I sleep well after Nat has had her way with me. I pulled the covers up over my chest as I got a random chill, something felt off.

After looking at Nat and realizing that she was sound asleep, I turned away from her and instantly tensed and then sat up in a flash.

"Don't move too fast or you'll wake her."

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Now is that any way to greet your cousin."

My cousin was sitting in a chair that sat by my bed near the windows in my room. I usually slept closest to the door but since Nat started sleeping here she took that spot. Now I was stuck on the side closest to my cousin and my knife was under Nat's pillow.

"I don't care. Why are you here?"

"Your girlfriend is beautiful, I'm surprised she would settle for someone so broken as you but hey the heart wants what the heart wants. Although I'm sure your dad would never approve."

I tensed at the mention of Nat and my father. I didn't even realize I was squeezing Nat's hand under the blankets until I felt her squeeze back, meaning she was awake and listening but she didn't move a muscle.

"I'm only going to ask you one more time, why are you here?"

"Fine fine, we can get to business. Your father is dead, he died from a heart attack. Probably from all the stress of trying to take down you Avengers. Now you know what that means, so you have three months before you need to be in Germany. Good luck baby cousin, can't wait to see you."

And with that, he was out the window and gone. I was numb because of his words because I knew what they implied. I was so out of it that I didn't realize Nat has now sat up and taken me in her arms.

"Hey baby, what was that about?"

I shook my head before speaking. "We need to call a meeting, Fury included."

"Woah it's three in the morning, can it wait?"

"It's probably best not to."

I left her arms and got up pulling on one of her shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

"Ok, well do you want to tell me what that was about? Why do you have to go to Germany?"

I ran my hands over my face, this was stressful.

"I would prefer to just tell everyone at once."

"Okay, I'll start calling everyone."

Nat pulled her clothes on and grabbed her phone. She then walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out onto the balcony to make some calls. I was so thankful for my girlfriend.

Everyone was sitting around the huge meeting table as I stood at the head of it, staring down at the mahogany wood. This was the place I first met Nat. I couldn't help but slightly smile at the thought of this.

"So are you going to tell us why you woke us all up in the middle of the night or are you just going to stare and smile at the table?"

I shook my head at Sam's impatience, he was never a morning person. I looked up and made eye contact with Nat, who sat at the back. She gave me a nod of reassurance and I started to speak.

"My father is dead."

Everyone in the room instantly started blurting out things, making it hard for me to focus.

"Guys let her finish."

I gave Nick a nod in thanks before continuing.

"This means that they are looking for the next in line. Which is my cousin, Nate, and I."

"So are they just going to select Nate since they obviously know you aren't going to take it?"

I faltered for a second.

"Wait you aren't going to take it right?"

"No Sam I'm not, it just doesn't work like that."

"Well, then how does it work?"

"Sam let her fucking talk and shut up for a second."

I smiled to myself as my girlfriend stuck up for me.

"Hydra believes in "Duell auf Leben und Tod"."

"Hell no."

Now it was Nat interrupting me. I wasn't surprised, I knew she would know what that meant.

"Wait, what does that mean?"

"Duel to the death and that's not going to fucking happen."

Everyone in the room was tense now.

"It's not a choice Nat, I have to and I have three months to get ready for it."

"I don't give a fuck, it's not happening."

"If I don't come, then they will kill everyone I know and love and then kill me. I rather be dead myself than all of y'all be dead too."

Nat still hasn't sat back down and I don't think she will either.

"Wait if it's just a duel, shouldn't you just have it in the bag?"

Pietro tried to lighten up the situation but Bucky and I gave him a look. Bucky knew my cousin and what he was capable of.

"Ever since I was a child, I was trained for this moment in my life. But because I ran away, I haven't been training every day. I may be a good assassin but my cousin, well he's ten times better. He's always wanted this position and has craved for that power. So, you guys just need to prepare in case I don't come back-"

"No, don't talk like that."

Nat was now walking towards me and I could see the tears in her eyes.

"We can train every day and get you ready for it."

"Nat, baby, it's not worth it. I know what's going to happen."

Her hand slamming down on the table caused me to jump a little.

"Dammit Naomi, don't talk like that. I refuse to lose you so we are going to train and train. You're going to win that fucking fight and then we will figure out what to do with Hydra once you become the leader."

I couldn't help but shake my head and look down at her words. I knew how this fight was going to end and she just couldn't accept it, she may never be able to. So I did what I never thought I would do.

"Maybe we should just stop."


Fuck, what am I doing?

"We should break up."

I couldn't look her in the face or she would truly know how I felt. She probably already knew but this was tearing me apart.

"Look me in the face and tell me that."

I had to stop the tears from spilling as I looked up at her. Nat looked just as broken as me, maybe even more.

"We need to stop."

Nat searched my eyes before scoffing and leaving.

I looked up and closed my eyes as the tears started to spill out. This is all for her, it'll be easier for her to lose me if we aren't together.

I could hear everyone starting to leave the room, giving me some time to myself.

"Naomi, do you really think that was the best thing to do?"

I opened my teary eyes and looked at Wanda. She looked on the verge of crying too.

"Wanda, I'm not coming out of this. It easier for her if she can just forget me, pretend I never existed."

I couldn't help but break down at the thought of her forgetting me. I fell into Wanda's arms. She held me as a cried in her arms. Nothing can ever work out for me and Nat and it made me mad. I just wanted to be happy with her but that just never seems possible.

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