Chapter 20

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Natasha's POV

Naomi fell asleep in my arms on the rooftop so I ordered an Uber back to the tower and I carried her back to the lobby to wait. For a spy, she sure is a heavy sleeper but I'm glad that she's getting some, she's been through so much.

Once the Uber brought us back to the tower, I carried her up to our main floor but once I stepped out of the elevator something felt wrong. I walked to go set Naomi on the couch so I could scope out the place but I stopped in my tracks at the sight of someone sitting on our couch. I alerted Wanda in my head hoping that she could hear me. I turned on the light and I instantly felt anger boil in my blood.

"How cute, you're carrying her back from y'all's date."

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"Because I came to get back what is mine."

Luke stood up from the couch and took a step toward us. My grip instantly tightened around Naomi.

"Like hell you are. If she wasn't in my arms right now you would be dead on this floor."

"The black widow, simping over a pathetic girl. She's not worth your time, just give her to me and you won't have to worry about her again."

"Don't fucking talk about her like that. You're the pathetic one here so get the fuck out."

I heard the elevator ding, indicating that someone came to this floor and due to the flash of red light in my peripheral vision I knew Wanda heard my message.

"You have some nerve coming here."

I went to hand Naomi over to Wanda without taking my eyes off of Luke. Naomi slightly woke up but she was still unaware of everything going on.

"I'll give you five seconds to get out untouched or may god help you when I get my hands on you."

"Alright fine, I'll go."

Luke started to walk with his hands up but unfortunately, his only exit was the elevator that we were standing near.

He started to get too close to us, so I took a step in front of Naomi and Wanda making sure he wouldn't even get the chance to touch my babygirl.

"Natty, what's going on?"

"Nothing my love. Just go back to sleep."

"Natty? How fucking pathetic is she? What is she six?"

Naomi's head snapped up at the sound of his voice, I couldn't see her face but I could tell by the hitch in her breath she was scared.

"You have two seconds."

He took another step before I saw something flash in his eyes and he lunged at her but I was quicker. I tackled him and he landed with a hard thump on the ground. I then sat on top of him as I kept throwing punches at his face, something feral taking over me. All I could imagine was what he did to her and it filled me with so much anger.

Naomi's POV

I was now fully awake and wiggled myself out of Wanda's arms but she used her powers so I couldn't run to Natasha. I was instead stuck watching her beat the shit out of him.

"Nat, stop! You're going to kill him."

She didn't stop. It's like she was stuck in some trance.

"Wanda, please stop her. She's going to kill him."

"Good, he deserves it for what he did to you."

"Yes but it's too easy of a way to go out. He deserves to sit in a cell for the rest of his life. Just stop her, please."

I could see the reluctance in her eyes but she listened to me and pulled Nat away from his limp and practically dead body with her powers.

"Wanda let me go."

Wanda let me go and I went to walk over to Natasha. I took her face in my hands and turned her focus on me. Her eyes instantly softened but I could tell she was fighting something inside herself.

"Don't make it that easy on him. Just let him rot in a cell."

Her fists were still clenched at her sides and she let out a heavy sigh but nodded her head as she closed her eyes. I took her in my arms to give her some sense of stability. What a way to ruin our perfect night. I just wish something would go smoothly for us. I looked over her shoulder and I could see the whole team standing there observing us and Luke's unconscious body on the floor. Tony was on the phone, probably with some official, to come to arrest Luke. Vision had Wanda in his arms and tried to get her to calm down and Steve was holding Bucky back from finishing Natasha's job. I could see it in everyone's eyes that they wanted to at least get their one hit but they refrained and I could tell it was for me.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up."

I grabbed Nat's hand and pulled her along and back to our room. My best friends and their partners got in the elevator with us, everyone else opting to stay down and make sure Luke gets put away.

"Thank you, guys. For tonight. It was perfect, well until this happened. But I really appreciate everything you guys did."

Bucky flashed me a smile as Wanda came to give me a hug. I went to wrap my arms around her but Nat would not let go of my hand so I just gave her a one-armed hug.

"I'm happy to hear that my plans worked out."

Wanda then continued to whisper "and judging by those marks on your neck, some tension was relieved."

I blushed at her words and in perfect time the elevator doors opened and I quickly pulled Natasha along with me out and to my room.

Once Bucky and Wanda made sure I made it back to my room safely, they left Natasha and me to ourselves in my bathroom where I made her sit on the counter. I then grabbed a rag and turned on the faucet so I could have warm water. When my rag was soaked I washed the blood off of Nat's knuckles, uncovering the bruises that lay beneath it.

As I set the rag away, Nat was still staring at me with the same look she's been giving me since I made Wanda pull her away. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"What's going on in your head my love?"

"I wanted to kill him, I was going to. I couldn't get the images of you bruised up out of my head and the thoughts of what he has done to you, it all just fueled me. I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"Nat that isn't your fault. You did try to help."

"Not hard enough. I should've pushed more then maybe all that bad stuff wouldn't have happened."

I tightened my arms around her hips.

"Don't do that to yourself. You're the reason I'm here with you today."

Nat sighed and then pulled my head into her chest and just held me there. I turned my head so I could listen to her heartbeat.

"Thank you. Thank you for just being here with me and loving me. Also for stopping me, I haven't killed someone for a personal reason in years."

"You promised that you would protect and be here for me so I'm returning the same promise. We have each other and that isn't going to change."

She left a kiss on the top of my head and just held me like she never wanted to let go, which she didn't.

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