Chapter 1

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I was struggling to get back to my apartment due to the snowy Chicago weather. Don't get me wrong, Chicago is a great place and all but when winter comes it sucks. It's always snowy and cold which I'm not a big fan of.

Once I finally made it back to my apartment, I put my shopping bags down. I found some pretty cool clothes that I'm happy about but my wallet isn't. When all the bags were set down, I heard something in my living room. I grabbed a knife and made my way over to check it out. My living room was very dark but I could still make out an outline of someone sitting on my couch.

"Don't move or I won't hesitate to stab you."

"I'm no threat."

"Nick is that you?"

With that I flicked on the light and low and behold, sitting on my couch was the mysterious eyepatch man that I met seven years ago.

"Is this how you always greet your guests?"

"Well, I wasn't aware that I was going to have a guest."

"Look I came to talk about The Avengers."

"Yea, what about them?"

"I want you to join them."

"What! Are you crazy? They will all hate me."

"Actually I talked to the two guys in charge, Steve and Tony, and they agreed on it."

"Do they know of my past? Who my father is? How much danger I could bring them?" I questioned in bewilderment.

"yes, Naomi they know everything and they already bring their own danger."

"Well, what's in it for me?" I asked while setting down the knife and going to sit beside him on the couch."

"Well, you get to be a part of a new family. You get to stay in The Stark Tower and get paid for your services. Also our protection."

"I thought I already had your protection?"

"You do, It's just being in New York gives you more."

"Well I have always wanted to live there and I don't have much here, though I would miss my lovely apartment."

"Great so you're in."

"Not so fast eyepatch, I want to meet Steve and Tony first."

"Fine. Also, why do you always call me eyepatch?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "It just fits."

"Whatever. I'll be here at eight in the morning to bring you to New York. I suggest you pack a bag and if you decide to stay then we can have everything shipped to your apartment."

He got off the couch and started heading towards the door, ready to leave.

"Goodnight Naomi."

"Night Nick."

After he left, I took a shower and got ready for bed. Was this really what I wanted. A life full of fighting people. This is the exact thing I've been trying to run from. Also everywhere I go, harm seems to follow. That's why I prefer to be alone. Sure it gets lonely but it means I'm not putting anyone in harm's way. What if I join and make everything go to shit or what if I get close to people and they just leave me or even worse get killed. God, why does my life have to suck so much? With that thought, I went to sleep asking myself that same question over and over again.

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