✧˚ 20· twenty .

Start from the beginning

In the midst of her exhilaration, Ava didn't realize the transformation taking place. Her hair, once dark and unremarkable, now gleamed with a radiant, ethereal golden hue, mirroring the glow of her eyes. The sight was awe-inspiring, like a celestial being descending from the heavens.

Breathing deeply, Ava landed gracefully on a nearby rooftop. The golden energy that had surrounded her during the flight now settled, but the glow in her hair and eyes persisted, casting an otherworldly aura around her.

Ava's mind raced with ideas as she scanned the cityscape, searching for a way to connect with those in need. It dawned on her that she needed some advanced tech to aid her in her heroic endeavours. She could use tools to scan radio channels, traffic cameras, and other surveillance systems to monitor the city for emergencies.

With determination in her heart, Ava made a mental note to brainstorm ideas when she got home, but for now, she relied on her flying abilities to patrol the city. As she glided through the night sky, her golden energy flickered like stars, and her hair and eyes radiated with an ethereal glow.

It didn't take long before her keen eyes spotted a group of people gathered near a burning building. Smoke billowed into the night sky, and the distant sound of sirens filled the air. Without a moment's hesitation, Ava flew towards the scene, driven by her innate desire to help those in need.

As she gracefully landed on the ground, the crowd turned to see the shining figure before them. "Stand back!" she called out, her voice projecting authority and assurance. "I'm here to help."

Ava tapped into her powers, extending her hand towards the flames. The golden energy responded to her will, enveloping her hand in a protective force field. With unwavering focus, she directed the energy towards the fire, carefully controlling its intensity.

The golden energy danced and swirled around the flames, containing their spread and gradually bringing the blaze under control. The onlookers watched in awe as the fire dimmed, leaving nothing but smouldering embers in its wake.

"Is everyone okay?" Ava inquired, scanning the area with a watchful gaze. The bystanders nodded, still amazed by the golden hero who had come to their rescue.

As the firefighters arrived on the scene, Ava knew her part was done. She didn't linger for praise or recognition. With one last glance at the grateful crowd, she leaped into the air once more, leaving them in awe and wonder.

As she soared through the night, Ava's heart swelled with a sense of fulfilment. She felt alive, embracing her new identity as Aurum and the responsibilities that came with it.

When she reached the familiar rooftop where she had stashed a small bag with her essentials - phone, tablet, and a basic first aid kit - she decided to take a moment to catch her breath. As she checked her phone, she noticed a new message from her father. "Almost home, movie night?" the text read.

Ava's excitement turned into mild panic. She realized she had lost track of time, and now her dad was about to return home. Her heart raced as she calculated how much time she had left to get home, change into her regular clothes, and act like nothing had happened.

With swift determination, Ava put her superhero persona aside for the moment and focused on getting back home. She leaped into the air once more, using her golden energy to fly swiftly through the night.

As she landed on her balcony, she quickly slipped inside through the unlocked doors. The adrenaline from her heroic deeds still coursing through her veins, she couldn't help but notice a faint smell of smoke lingering in the air. She brought her hand to her hair, realizing with a groan that she must smell like smoke too.

Aurum ✧ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now