To be your beloved

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"Your highness, please reconsider your decision to join today's hunting venture, you have not yet  healed completely from the fever." The maid worried as she combed the hair of her mistress.
"You do not need to worry so. I am completely fine." The queen smiled sitting in front of the mirror.
"Oh- I completely forgot to inform you, your highness. Last night, His highness had paid you a visit while you were asleep to enquire about your fever. And before leaving he left a present for you near the lamp but he asked for you to open it only."
"Is that so? Thank you for telling me, I am sure it is a beautiful gift as it is chosen by His highness himself. Now you may leave, xixi." The consort showed an appealing smile.
But as soon as the maid left, the smile disappeared from the consort's face. "Well well I wonder what present he has for me. I hope it is appealing enough to  me so that it doesn't required to be thrown away."

"The king enters 3rd Consort's mansion. The king enters the 3rd consort's mansion." Suddenly announcements were heard.
"I didn't expect His highness to pay me a visit despite his busy schedule. I am extremely grateful to His highness for worrying about me." The consort bowed down to the king, her smirk beneath the bow getting hidden.
"Everytime you address me so respectfully and lovingly, I am but reminded of that night, our first encounter."
"Please,Your highness, I was but a naive young girl. That night is best to be forgotten."
The king smirked, "Well I see you are behaving unexpectedly well today, maybe finally you have got the grasp of the situation but I do quite enjoy seeing the fierce side of yours as well. And I believe you have seen my present. I will hope it is up to your liking."
"The hairpin you presented to me is carved out of one of the rarest stones, decorated with valuable pearls. I am but extremely grateful to his highness for pampering me so well however I don't understand whether I am deserving of thi-"
To the consort's unnotice, the king had already been standing in front of her, few inches apart.
"I-I- your highness-" She was taken aback and stumbled but the king grabbed her and pulled her up, now there was barely any distance between their faces.
"Guards, close the entrance. I desire to spend some private time with my 3rd consort." Ordered the King as he forcibly pulled her into a kiss.
The Consort's attempt to break free remained unsuccessful for quite a while until she screamed that startled the king.
"Y-your Highness! Forgive my impudence but now is not the right time. My body is still feverish and I am afraid prolonged contact with my body will only be to your disadvantage as you might fall ill."
"While it does assure me that you care about my well-being but it does trouble me how you can always come up with excuses to not be held by me. And that makes me wonder whether I can trust you at all." The King smirked as he layed his body on her bed. "No,Your Highness" The consort remarked as she sat beside him, putting on the hairpin on her smooth hair that was presented to her by the King. "I am truly but worried about your health and that is the reason I have to resist myself from wanting to be held by you."
The king looked at her and stood up, "You truly never fail to amaze me with your way of words."
"Also I heard you would be joining for a hunting venture with the concubines soon, is it necessary?"
"Your highness, I only want to be sure that I am better than the concubines, I only wish your attention to be towards me but it pains me to think that there are other women you pine for as well."
The king said nothing but prepared to leave. But as he was at the entrance, he commented. "You look admirable in that hairpin, I will visit your chambers tonight again, so be awake without any excuses."
The King left. The consort's fake smile vanished within a second as she gagged in disgust.
"Maids!!" She screamed "Prepare for my shower. Immediately."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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