I motion to the necklace that was around my neck, "You have a tracker on me i think that's as safe as i can get." he frowns when he assume that was me rejecting his offer, "Of course i'll live with you if that's okay with you."

His frown is replaced with a large grin, "I wouldn't offer if it wasn't."

"I feel like you've never lived with a female," i mention, "I mean that as in like- obviously you've been with them but never lived with them."

He laughs, "No i haven't but i get to see you and be with you everyday? That sounds like the best type of way to live."

"Did my almost dying change you or something?" I question, "What happened to Mr Grumpy no romance don't look at me i'll kill you?"

"I almost lost you," he whispers, "losing you i would of lost the will to live Zoe, you dying in my arms opened my eyes to what my future could be like. A proper future."

My eyes get teary, "Zac was right," i tell him, "you really are obsessed with me."

"Zoe?" Penny's voice makes my head snap towards the door, her sobs enter the room before she does. "Thank god, i told him you would be fine he was so cranky all night bitching about how he will kill himself if he dies."

I laugh as she comes over and gently hugs me, "I'm fine, hi Zac." I say as he enters behind her, he gives me a small wave Penny moves away from me and grabs out her phone from her pocket.

"I have something that will cheer you up," she says with a grin through her tears, she shows me a photo of Zac and Matt hugging awkwardly i can't help but laugh hard enough that the pain in my back appears and i hiss out in pain.

"You're probably due for more pain medication," Zac points out, "I'll go let the doctor know." he says as Matt stands up; he leaves the room and Penny looks down at me with a frown.

"Thank you for the laugh," I tell her, "Can you send me the photo?" she nods quickly and types away on her phone, "You should go home and rest," i say turning to Matt.

He shakes his head, "no way i'm not leaving you here alone."

"I'll stay," Penny pipes up, "We can watch some movies, eat bad hospital food and i can tell you about some gossip you've missed out on."

I hear Matt mumble something under his breath, "Go home, i'll be fine for a few hours."

"Whatever," he stands up and gently kisses me on the lips, "But call me if you need something, here's your phone."

Penny takes a seat on his bed and smiles at me, "Anyways so there's rumours going around that a student is dating a professor- ohhhhhh."

"Wait what?" Matt snaps his head towards us on his way out, "What rumour?"

She smiles sheepishly, "Yeah there's a rumour saying one of the students is dating a professor but it didn't click until just now because i forgot it's probably you guy- never mind..." she says looking at her phone with a disgusted face, "Hey what are the chances of that happening right now as we talk about it."

"Out with it woman," I demand.

"Mr Scott and Hannah," she grumbles, "Unexpected but also not weird."

Matt rolls his eyes when i look over at him, 'just go please i love you' i mouth and he smiles saying 'i love you too' before leaving; i look back at my best friend whom shows me a photo of Mr Scott and Hannah making out in a class room.

"Imagine if that was you and Matt," she says.

"It wasn't and it won't be," i tell her; she furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "I'm going to defer."

Her eyes widen and she jumps up and down excitedly, "I was legit going to tell you that at the game night tonight, which won't be happening now but i'm going to defer as well."

I grin, "Thank god i was dreading telling you just incase you and Zac changed your mind."

She shakes her head, "No now we can travel together when you're better!"

I laugh, "Yes that sounds fun."

AFTER lunch i fell asleep watching a movie with Penny and woke up to the sound of chattering; my eyes adjust to the lights as the voices come into focus; i look at my best friend who freezes when i say, "What are you doing?" in her hand was a box; she slowly looks at me with a small smile.

"Game night?" She questions, i look around and see that Zac and Matt were hanging up fairy lights in the corner of the room; a few candles were lit and there was a folded out table with different types of board games/card games on it as well as heaps of snacks. I laugh pushing my hands against the mattress of the bed to pull myself up, Matt comes rushing over to me he grabs me by the arms and gently helps me sit up leaning me against the bed.

"Thank you," I mumble embarrassed i can't even move myself, "You guys bought game night here?"

"Hope you are up for it," Zac says, "I know i'm not but anything for Penny."

She rolls her eyes, "He's really milking this 'i got shot' thing," her eyes connect with mine when i raise an eyebrow and smirk at her, "Oh not that it's not not a big deal but like."

"Penny," Zac says, "Shut up please."

"What about Jackson?" I ask, they all smile at me and turn to the door as Jackson walks into the room holding a bag against his chest.

"The next time you send me to get something can you give me one of yall's cards? Because mine got declined and i had to- oh she's awake! Hi Zo, how are you feeling? I can't believe some crazy person shot you," Jackson places the bag on the table, clinking sounds could be heard, "You have bad luck man." I laugh.

Matt shakes his head while Zac rolls his eyes at Jackson and Penny grabs out the bottles of alcohol from the bag Jackson had bought in. My heart fills up with so my happiness as i look around the room, all of my favourite people in here to keep my company and it was such an odd mix.

Penny my best friend of years with her boyfriend Zac whom was covered in tattoo's and stuck out like a sore thumb and he had a constant frown on his face. Jackson whom i met months ago now was one of my best friends who was so aloof and hilarious; he was also happy with his new boyfriend. Then Matt, who stood with his arms crossed looking at me with an angry expression but his eyes are filled with so much love. Once my professor and now my very hot boyfriend and i guess now gang rival. He wasn't perfect but he was perfect to me; i knew he would be hating this moment right now but he was stood dealing with the other three for me.

"Why are you crying?" Penny says, all eyes turn to me and i wipe away a small tear that falls from my eye, "Oh my god Matt what did you do!" she slaps his arm, he doesn't flinch but he walks over to me and sits on my bed.

"What's wrong?" He asks and i smile through the tears.

"Just thankful for all of you guys," I tell him; I hear a sob break out from behind him and see Penny is starting to cry, "Each one of you have helped me in some sort of way, even you Zac you've changed Penny so much she's so much happier and more confident with herself." Penny smiles at him.

"Okay," Jackson sniffles, "I think we need to start drinking and playing games before we start some sort of depressing cry fest."

Laughter fills the room; my whole life had been so normal until a few months ago and back then i thought it was perfect but now even with the added danger of being kidnapped/killed the people who i have around me made it a lot easier. If only my parents were here to see me now, i just hoped they would approve of Matt.

Fire and SilkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя