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And now we wait. Sleep is nice...

~~~ 7 ~~~

I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't get very good sleep, but at least I was still alive.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes to get them adjusted to the light quicker. Gwi-nam hadn't woken up yet, so I was trying my best to stay quiet.

I stood up and walked over to the door.

I gently put my ear against the door and listened for any sounds. As far as I could tell, there wasn't any sound. At least, no zombie growling.

There was a bathroom inside the weight room, so I used it and washed up a bit.

After splashing some water on my face to wake myself up, I walked back into the weight room.

I waited for what felt like two or three hours for Gwi-nam to wake up. Which he eventually did, but I got bored in the meantime.

He sat up and groaned. Most definitely wasn't a morning person.

"Good morning!" I said enthusiastically. I was getting stir crazy in this damned room.

"Mornin'." Gwi-nam looks up at me from across the room. "You eaten anything yet?"

"No. I was hoping to save it."

"You have to eat. You'll be weak."

"I'll be fine. I've gone longer without food. I'm not hungry either," I told him.

Gwi-nam stood up, walked over to the backpack, and picked it up. He opened it and dug through it before walking back over to me and sitting on the bench that had been used as my bed.

Gwi-nam handed me my backpack and looked at me again. "Eat."

I took the bag, and right before I was about to set it down, he added, "Most of the food will go bad if we don't eat it soon."

Well, he had a point. I gave in and took a foil-covered ham sandwich out of the bag. I unwrapped the sandwich and started eating. I slid the backpack over to Gwi-nam and motioned for him to grab something too, which he did.

We sat and ate in silence until I finished. I wiped my hands off and headed into the bathroom to wash my hands again.

Gwi-nam did the same a few minutes after I came back.

Once he came back out, I nodded towards the door. "Let's go back out there."

"Okay, but why? You hear somethin'?"

"No, but I want to. I'm getting stir crazy."

He smirked at me before replying. "Jesus, how long were you awake before I woke up?"

Gwi-nam grabs his jacket and throws it on over his shirt. The jacket read 'One Heart' in Korean. I looked up at him and replied, "Long enough."

I stood up and stretched my arms and back a bit. I caught Gwi-nam staring, but I decided against saying anything. He nervously looked away to grab more belongings.

Gwi-nam asked me, "What do you think about holin' up in here?" He looked around the room before his gaze landed back on me.

"I don't know. We have to get outta here. We also can't stay in one place for too long, but I understand your reasoning," I answered.

"We got a bathroom and a bag full of food that we could make last a week."

"And once we run out, we'll be equally as fucked as we would when we did have food."

He straightened up his jacket and looked away. "Fair enough."

I zipped up the backpack full of food and put it around one of my shoulders.

𝐈'𝐋𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔 : 𝐘. 𝐆𝐰𝐢-𝐧𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now