Nath, Nino, Juleka, Rose, Kim, Max, Sabrina, and the heroes were all on Team Ladybug. Everyone else was on Team Police, including Mrs. Bustier surprisingly.

"I like Ladybug and all, but sometimes she makes some risky mistakes." Alix shrugged. "Maybe it's better to let the police handle it, since they trained for this kind of stuff."

"They didn't train to go up against a magical terrorist who can possess people!" Juleka said. The arguments continued like that all day, getting more and more ridiculous by the hour. 

It was now the end of the day, and everyone was leaving and still talking about it. Marinette heard Lila loudly talking about it and it was like a dam just burst. Marinette turned around in a huff and marched towards the two, gaining everyone's attention. It wasn't like Marinette to get suddenly mad.

"Whose side are you on, Alya?" The courtyard went quiet. You could hear a pin drop by the sudden silence. Even some teachers came out of their classrooms.


"Whose side are you on? You act like you're all for Ladybug, but then you post the interview and do a whole 180 on her. So tell me, where do you stand?" 

See, Alya and Marinette's friendship has been severed by Lila. Enough to where the blogger berates and bullies her every week by Lila's encouragement. Another thing Marinette knew about Alya, she's defensive when in the wrong. She also tries to change the subject.

"W-well, where do you stand? We haven't heard your opinion either." The eyes turned to Marinette, but she would not let them get to her. This was between her and Alya; the rest of the world didn't matter right now.

"I'm Team Ladybug, and let me tell you why: She's earned my trust. She saves the city practically every week, cleans up the damage, and makes sure the victims are ok. Not only that, but I have been saved several times by her and Cat Noir when I've been targeted. The heroes haven't given me a reason to hate them, so why should I? What's your excuse?" Silence. Alya was in shock while Lila even seemed impressed that she bluenette didn't back down. The blogger still didn't say anything so Marinette just huffed and left, leaving some grinning students in her wake. They all agreed with her and wanted her to put Alya in her place for a long time.

They didn't notice some students recording.


While on patrol again, all the heroes met up. They got a notification from the news app and saw they had a video from earlier. Marinette felt embarrassed while everyone else was proud of her for standing her ground. As they watched, some police officials came up behind them.

Cat Noir heard footsteps and looked behind them to see they were starting to be surrounded. "Ladybug!" He yelled as one was about to pull something from behind him. All the heroes jumped onto a higher roof as the officer pulled out a megaphone.

"By request of the city, please surrender and let the police do their jobs." The team was shocked. Sure, the negative side of the situation was winning a bit, but getting the heroes to stop in general was just madness. How did they possibly think they were going to defeat Hawkmoth without them?

"Can you specify the situation?" Carapace asked.

"Some citizens filed a petition to have the heroes stop making an appearance for awhile. They are convinced that if you guys stop, things will get back to normal and Hawkmoth will eventually give up."

"With all due respect, that's not how it works. Villains like Hawkmoth and Mayura have a motive, and they are willing to go to extensive lengths to get what they want. Hawkmoth akumatized a baby just to go after us! What makes the people think that making us disappear will make the entire problem disappear as well?"

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