Of course, they messaged celebrities they could involve beforehand. In case things got messy, and since Alya's blog was somewhat popular, who knows what could go wrong. They also told the nurse and a few teachers they were doing an experiment so they shouldn't be worried.

So that's what they did on her first day. And boy, was it interesting.


The class was happy to have a new student in their class. Her name was Lila, and came all the way from Italy! The class was buzzing with questions about the scenery while Mrs. Bustier just let them have their time.

Lila made a mental note of that. Enabler teacher.

Marinette made sure beforehand to have pictures and descriptions of each person in the class. The good ones who were on her side, and the questionable ones. And the good ones were already filled in on Lila. 

"So, Lila." Alya said, filming her for a new video on her blog. "Tell us, what was one of the most interesting things that happened to you before you moved here?"

"Hmm," Lila playfully thought. She sent a secretive grin towards Marinette as she selected the perfect lie. "I met Jagged Stone  when his kitten nearly got ran over by an airplane! That poor cat didn't know what was coming towards him. I saved him, but the jet engine was too close to my ear and gave me tinnitus! Jagged thanked me for saving his cat and we've kept contact ever since." The class awed at the story while Marinette playfully frowned. All according to plan, but she didn't like how interested her classmates seemed in that lie. Especially since Marinette knew Jagged personally.

"That can't be true!" Marinette stood up. "Jagged Stone doesn't have a cat! Besides, what airport would be irresponsible enough to let someone that close to an airplane?!" Lila started her waterworks, bringing the attention back on her.

"I-I know it doesn't sound believable but-" Lila sniffed for dramatic effect. "-it's true, honest! I can even show you a picture!" Lila pulled up a picture of a black cat she took a picture of a few months ago with a family cat. The classmates who believed Lila consoled her while giving Marinette glares, as if she was in the wrong.

Marinette and her friends gaped at what unfolded. They didn't think they were this hostile towards the girl. Mrs. Bustier cleared her throat, taking note of the silence.

"Marinette, can I speak with you outside?" Confused, Marinette followed. She came back a few minutes later, looking annoyed. Mrs. Bustier however looked satisfied and content. She then got their attention back on the lesson they should have completed fifteen minutes ago.

Once the bell rang for lunch, Alya and Alix dragged her to lunch so they could learn more about her. Kim and Max followed so they could check out her other achievements. Marinette and her other friends followed behind at a distance.

"So what did the enabler say to you?" Chloe asked, sharpening her nails.

"She said she wants me to be a better example for the class and not call out classmates if I have a negative comment. She says it's humiliating." Marinette sighs, pulling her hair. "Which I understand, but you can easily look up her claims!"

"I have tabs kept on everyone who was involved. I'm adding that to the list, I assure you." Chloe said, requesting for Sabrina to write down what they heard as evidence. The duo then left to go eat lunch at Chloe's hotel. Marinette went to the bathroom to meet with Lila and ask how it was going. Lila was in there and groaned as she hugged her.

"They ask so many questions!" Marinette laughed at the Italian's response. "That blogger girl keeps shoving her phone in my face. Like, personal space bubble! It's being invaded!"

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