"Thank you Lucan for allowing us to sit in on this discussion. I've heard of the experiments and the cause for our invasions." Cross said eyeing Eldon's books on the table, his voice a deep and course sound like sandpaper. Could Eldon detect some hint of disgust in his voice? What did this man know, he was merely a puppet doing as the King bid.

Smoothly, like a honey sweet wine, Lucan replied, "Invasion is such a harsh word, Cross. We give the people of each city a choice. Crag denied us and Moon Garden hasn't even graced us with a response. It's their choosing that we have to be violent. Magic was almost lost in this world and has only recently seen a rise but only in children. Do you not understand the responsibility of curtailing and reining in this dangerous weapon?"

Cross's face reddened, "Of course I do. It is not my place to question."

Eldon again smirked without letting it reach his lips or show on his face. Such an ignorant man to question his King and all of Eldon's research. What did he know besides how to swing a sword, this was not a conversation where he should have any say so. What an uneducated swine of a man, Eldon thought.

Lucan nodded and seemed content with Cross's response. "Now, Eldon, you had sent word that there was big news on the experiment?"

Eldon straightened up in his chair, this was his moment to shine. Quickly he grabbed the top book from his stack, unbinding the twine that held it closed, "Ah yes, big news might be an understatement. As you know, for years I've studied the magics. Through many sleepless nights and so many failures, as is want for a scholar such as I, I had a major breakthrough recently." Eldon said as elegantly as he could.

Lucan leaned in, craning his neck to get a better view, "I'm eager to know, sir. Our foray into Crag was rather disappointing. Only one child that held the touch."

"Well, as you know, the magics had been thought to be dried up. Within the last years, they've begun to resurface. Allowing me to continue my studies with hands on experience." Eldon replied as he opened the book to a page of a brain. He was more than adept at drawing the anatomy of a human form and had exquisitely drawn this illustration. He pointed to a section that had a red thread entwined into soft tissue.

"Keep it simple, what are we looking at?" Cross grumbled, as Astrid gave him an elbow to the ribs as discreet as possible. Eldon caught the gesture and stymied a laugh.

"This, Battle Master, is a human brain. This red thread is the magic. The actual magic going from the temporal lobe and entwining to the hypothalamus. These are sections of the brain that are tied to memory and learning and tying to the part of the brain that is in control of mood." Eldon paused, allowing what he said to be digested.

Lucan was engrossed, leaning forward in his chair. "So this thread, is an actual thread? Something we can remove?"

Eldon shook his head, "No, no. When I first thought to try to remove it, it would crumble almost immediately after being detached from the brain. If the subject was deceased for longer than an hour, it would crumble as well."

Lucan leaned back in his chair and brought a finger to the side of his mouth, "Then how were you able to transfer it?"

Eldon smiled, this was the tough sell, "You have to eat the brain while it's still fresh. It acts as a parasite almost."

Astrid's eyes widened, "Eat...the brain? That's barbaric!" She exclaimed, this time across gave her a nudge with his elbow.

"Interesting, and I trust you've seen this first hand?" Lucan said as he took another look at the diagram.

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