✧ ˚17 · seventeen .

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Ned," she greeted with a smile, taking a seat in the spot she had chosen in the previous lesson.

Ned grinned back at her. "Hey, Ava! Ready to work on our awesome project?"

Ava nodded, feeling a bit curious about Peter's absence. "Definitely. I'm just wondering where Peter is."

Ned shrugged. "Maybe he got caught up with something."

Finally, just as the teacher was about to begin the lesson, the door opened, and Peter rushed in, looking a bit flustered.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late!" Peter apologized, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

As Peter rushed in, Ava couldn't help but notice how cute he looked, even with his dishevelled appearance. She stifled a giggle at his adorable flustered state.

"It's okay, Peter. You made it just in time," the teacher said, trying to hide a smile at Peter's antics.

Ava gave him an encouraging nod and patted the empty seat next to her. "Come on, join us."

Peter hurriedly settled into the seat beside Ava, his breath still a bit uneven from rushing. "Thanks," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact with her.

The teacher continued with the lesson, but Ava noticed that Peter seemed a bit preoccupied. She decided to lighten the mood and whispered to him, "So, what's the excuse this time, Mr. Parker?"

Peter's cheeks flushed even more, and he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, um, well, you see, I kinda lost track of time," he stammered, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation without revealing how he got distracted.

Ava raised an eyebrow, amused by his response. "Lost track of time, huh? What could have possibly distracted you?" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Peter's mind raced, and he mentally cursed himself for not thinking of a better excuse. "Uh, you know, just stuff... things," he mumbled, feeling flustered and caught off guard by her teasing.

As the teacher continued the lesson, Ava noticed that Peter occasionally stole glances at her, only to look away quickly whenever their eyes met. It was endearing how nervous he seemed, and she found herself feeling flattered by his attention.

Finally, the teacher gave them all time to work on their group projects.

"Okay, guys, let's get down to business," Ava said, her excitement evident in her voice as she faced Peter and Ned, holding onto her tablet with a fresh page ready for brainstorming ideas.

As Ava, Peter, and Ned huddled together, ready to brainstorm ideas for their group project, they took a more practical approach. The robotics classroom buzzed with the excitement of the other students, all eager to come up with innovative ideas.

"I mean, recycling is a big issue, right?" Ava said, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Maybe we could build a robot that helps with recycling in some way."

Peter's face lit up with excitement too. "Yeah, like a robot that can sort recyclables and stuff. That would be pretty cool, right?"

Ned chimed in, his eyes gleaming with creativity. "And maybe we could add a feature where it educates people about recycling and why it's important. We could make it like a recycling ambassador!"

Ava smiled, liking the direction they were heading. "Exactly! We could design it to be user-friendly, so it's easy for people to interact with it."

As they continued to discuss their concept, their excitement grew. They decided to name their robot "EcoHelper" and outlined its key functionalities. Ava would work on the robot's mechanics and electrical system, ensuring that it could identify and sort recyclable materials effectively. Peter would handle the programming, making sure that EcoHelper could interact with users and provide educational information about recycling. Ned took charge of the overall design, ensuring that the robot was friendly and approachable.

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