Chapter 18

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Taehyung groaned when he felt a small hand hit his head. He opened his eyes only to hiss when the Morning sunbeam on his face. He blinked a few times before sitting up straight.

He couldn't help but smile Looking down at his little culprit. Taerin was sleeping like a starfish, her arms were stretched, one towards him while the other was holding onto Jungkook's fingers tightly. That's when he remembered he was sleeping with Jungkook on the same bed.

His eyes moved toward sleeping Jungkook who was facing the other direction. His one hand was outstretched, where Taerin held his fingers while he secure the sleeping baby on his chest with the other. Jihoon was peaceful with a small pout adorning his face, he looked content sleeping on his Dad's chest. It looked a little dangerous but they looked comfortable and familiar with it.

Taehyung chuckled when he heard a whine from Taerin who was trying to find him in her sleep. He gave her his pillow to hug in her sleep before making his way to the bathroom.

When he came back after being ready he found the room empty. Now he was confused "Where are they?" Even the bed was neat.

He made his way downstairs only to find Mr. Jeon sitting in the living room with a newspaper in his hand while some news channel blared in the background.

"Good Morning Dad. Have you seen Taerin and Mom?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh yes. She came here with Jungkook but My dear wife took her to bathe so she wouldn't be late." Mr. Jeon replied placing the paper down. He continued when Taehyung looked still a little puzzled. Well, he was supposed to get her ready Mrs. Jeon helped him yesterday already. But just from a single day, Taerin doesn't seem to mind the change that much. "These little things will at least make your morning less hectic." but Taehyung does not want her to do all this work alone.

As if Mr. Jeon read his mind again, "There is a special maid for Taerin we hired a few days back." He commented before going back to the black-inked paper.

Taehyung nodded before walking into the Kitchen well at least he can help with the morning breakfast but the maids didn't even let him touch anything even shooed him away saying everything is done.

So he could only sigh before sitting in the living room and giving his Father in law peaceful company. Taehyung didn't realize when he got so into the News that he flinched when he heard loud footsteps. Well, no one can blame him, the police finally found the criminal of the infamous case but everyone is still skeptical. He is a young man maybe in his late 20s and was working in a big company in a higher position. Still, they showed how it is him, and the murders are clearly linked to him.

"Appa! Look!" Taerin exclaimed running towards him. She was wearing pretty silk Red dress. It looked expensive. Yes, that's what he noticed. But Taehyung wasn't even able to utter a word when Mr. Jeon said,

"Wow. Beautiful. Look how pretty you look." He muttered softly, watching her with a fond smile.

"Really?" The little girl asked, excitedly while twirling around showing her new dress to her new Grandfather.

"Yes. Prettiest." Mr. Jeon said with a smile.

"Prettiest?" Taerin mumbled to herself before repeating it to Taehyung. He agreed, nodding with a smile.

"But didn't Taerin hate this color?" He asked with curiosity. Cause since the red net dress incident she just hated the color but here she is wearing it even showing it off.

"No. Appa I love this color." Taerin let out a smooth lie while looking around the room trying not to make eye contact with him.

"Oh really? Now you like this color huh? Till yesterday you were running away from it like the color was some kind of Monster." Taehyung raised an eyebrow, watching her shake her head.

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