Chapter 8

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❕Excessive use of word Angel cause Taerin loves it❕

Okay, so Jungkook is running late. He is really punctual about time but today was not his day.

He strides in from the main door followed by Jimin. He was about to ask about the room when His Hyung pulled him back. He looked at him confused.

Jimin sighed before fixing his clothes, "Kook we are only a few minutes late. Not a big deal. It's not on purpose as well. And look at you looking all worked up. Take a few minutes to breathe." Jimin explained while doing his hair.

"Hmm." He only hummed, before walking back to the reception. Jimin just sighed and went in the other direction, Kitchen. His husband must be wandering there.

The woman led him to their room. He was now calm so he walked in slowly.

When he stepped in he saw new faces and only recognized his parents and Mr. Kim. He roamed his eyes around only to stuck at the Handsome male.

'Is this Taehyung? Now he definitely agrees He is good-looking. Mom not bad.' He thought before looking at the small girl. She looked surprised.

"Angel! Appa Look. It's Angel!" The little girl exclaimed pointing her fingers at him. He got confused. 'Is she talking about me?'

Everyone in the room turned silent except Taerin's excited squeals. No one knew what was happening and Taerin was getting frustrated at her Father's lack of attention.

So she walked more like ran up to Jungkook looking up at him with her sparkly eyes.

Jungkook did not know what to do but this little girl is now playing with his heart. He crouched down to her level and smiled only to hear a loud squeal with Red face Taerin.

"Hi" He greeted the small girl with uncertainty.

"Hi Angel!" The girl said excitedly.

"Angel? Me?" He asked pointing at himself when the girl nodded he looked up for some explanation only to see confused faces. "I'm not an Angel."
He tried but....

"No! You are! I saw myself." She said confidently, catching everyone off guard.

"You saw me?" He asked again an exciting nod followed. He for sure never met her before but she recognizes him.

"Yes! You were walking with a pretty mask and You were glowing as well. So pretty!" She exclaimed her hand reaching up to touch his face but she controlled herself and smiled.

Jungkook noticed that so he hold her hand softly in his big palm. "No. You are Angel. A very beautiful and cute little Angel." He softly let out, convincing the little girl that he was not even near the word Angel itself.

But she shook her head stubbornly, "Taerin is not Angel. You are. I know."

The elders smiled at the interaction, happy that Taerin already took a liking to Jungkook. They had no idea Taerin recognizes Him from somewhere.

While Taehyung was in disbelief the Male is the same man he and his daughter are fighting over these days and now that she met him, Oh No. It's a big disaster for Taehyung.

"Jungkook" Mr. Jeon called. He stood up one hand still holding to the little girl's hand, Which by the previous exchange he concluded, Taerin.

"Taerin come back here." Her Grandma told her which she quickly denied, her fingers tightening in his hold. Mrs. Kim laughed before saying, "Well Baby if you're worried about Your Angel going away, then don't worry. He will be here. We are going to have lunch together." She was still uncertain but when eyes landed on Taehyung she nodded sadly. He was glaring at her, Taerin doesn't like angry Appa.

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