Chapter 5

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They ate lunch in silence but Taerin's interesting questions made the atmosphere better. That innocent child had no idea about the hurricane igniting between her father and her lovely grandparents.

"So I just talk with Mr. Jeon he said meeting in two days would be fine. We all are going to have lunch in a new restaurant On Sunday afternoon. Be ready with Taerin on time." His Father spoke, eyes still on his plate as he finished his last bit of food.

Taehyung didn't answer, it is not like he has anything to say in the matter. He just has to follow the orders. He felt like a doll, moving as his parents prompt him.

He saw how his Father order the maid to bring him the TV remote. He and his obsession with the News Channels. His father always makes sure to be updated about the world, even if it's about Share markets or Politics.

The TV flickered on, and in no time his father was watching a debate session. Taehyung always finds no use in those, like what is the use of the anchor and some politicians or some specialist argue with each other, when it's always going to be unheard from the person they are arguing over. It helps no one but Channel's TRP.

Luckily Taerin's back was facing the TV and the by looks of it she does not seem to care less about what playing on TV, clearly busy with her grandma with some sweet talk. She never liked the news, which kid does?

Channel flickered to much silent news reports, catching Taehyung's attention. It was a brief report on some murdered girl. The camera showed nothing but blurry images, her bloody wound or the corpse laying on a side of an empty road.
Taehyung was relieved his daughter is not watching this.
Soon the anchor started talking about the case, how wounded she was, who she was, where was she from, How was she murdered, where was she found or who found her and many more.

But what stuck in his head was that She was brutally raped and murdered right after. The reporter was not giving many details but With those zoomed blurry images, he could see that her skull was open. She was killed by her head banged against a Stone. There are fingerprints on that rock.
And funny thing is that her husband is missing since yesterday! Wow looks like the case is solved already.

Taehyung scoffed when they showed her husband's face on TV,
"People are going insane!" That came from his Father. He wordlessly agreed. Cause indeed what is wrong with people killing their Spouse?

The channel flickered to a different one when the same news started to repeat again and again. It stopped at the share market report, The reporter delivering news vastly.

Taehyung look at his daughter when she loudly called out for him,
"Yes, baby?" He asked softly, running his finger through his trying to forget the bloody blurry images.

"Appa can I eat my chocolate now?" Taerin asked full of anticipation, batting her eyes showing her big puppy eyes. It made Taehyung smile gently, Taerin is the cutest and she knows how to convince him.

"Yeah, you can finish your chocolate now." He exhaled as he watch Taerin waddle toward the maid, cutely asking for the chocolate bar Taehyung handed her before.

"You can't stop me from giving her one more." His mother asserted as she gazed at Taerin, who just started munching on the big chocolate. As she talked to the maid who was busy with tissues, trying her best to not let the toddler stain her new dress.

Taehyung only nodded as an answer, already worn out from the previous scene. He just wanted to crash on his bed and let everything sink in.


Now seated back in the car he felt like crying. 'Why can't a thing go my way?'
He screamed in his head loudly, while pulling on his hair harshly.

Taerin looked at her Appa curiously, cause he had been just sitting in the driver's seat for a few minutes. She was confused at how early they left, and it was not even evening yet. And now without starting the car he was pulling on his hair.
'Oh! Is Appa in some problem?' She thought as she looked at the stressed male.

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