Chapter 2

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When she was about to ask her Appa to look at the puppy, She saw something that she couldn't look away from.

A white-clad man with a masquerade mask. It concealed half of his face. She saw that kind of mask for the first time. The black and purple mask was very pretty. It also had small feathers.

He was walking on the pathway alongside someone while removing his mask. The man already got all her attention but the pretty diamonds on the mask only fascinated her more.

When he completely removed his mask her eyes widened as she gasped, she couldn't believe her eyes. Thinking it must be some hallucination the little girl rubbed her eyes with the back of her fists innocently, only to gawked at the man again.

He was really an Angel. She knows how angels look as she saw in a lot of animated angels and has heard many stories about how angels look. Angel's have big shiny eyes, pretty hair and they glow like always and sometimes they have white wings as well and they always wear white.
But her appa says that they are not real but the angel is right in front of her and very much real.

She gaped as his long hair moved with the soft wind, his skin glowing from the sun rays and his doe eyes shining brightly as much that she could see stars in them. He walked further and further away from her when she realised she didn't show the angel to her Appa.
"Appa!! Look. Angel!!!"

The sudden shout made Taehyung flinch badly,
"Huh?" It was so random for her to say something like that. but he still look in the direction his daughter was pointing at. Only to see back of one man in white and another one in the suit. He moved a little to gaze at his daughter who was still looking in the same direction with wide eyes.
"Rinnie baby there is no real angel. I've told you before. That was just a normal man." Trying to console his daughter.

But she wasn't ready to listen to any of his she just shook her head. "No Appa!! I saw he was an angel. A pretty angel. He was shining brightly like a star. And and" Her words were cut short when Taehyung interrupted her.

"Ok ok maybe he was a real angel." He agreed with her as he saw the excitement on her face while trying to explain how real the angel was. He can hardly say No to her.
He was about to continue but a loud horn from behind stopped their conversation. He turned to look at the road only to find cars already started to move ahead. So he looked in the rearview mirror to find Taerin looking in front as well. He just smile and said, "let's go home first, baby."

Taerin tilted her head to look at her appa and nodded in agreement. "I will tell you about the angel when we reach home Appa." She said with determination.

He just chuckled softly showing his big toothy grin to Taerin before starting the engine.


They reach home more quickly than Taehyung expected. The car ride was silent as Taerin was looking outside, the road was quite busy today so he thought maybe she was just enjoying the view not knowing the thoughts running in her little head like a storm.

He got outside the car and helped her. He handed her the small cookie bag as she asked (insisted) to hold the bag in her hand and clutch on her Appa's hand with others.

They got inside their apartment, and right after removing their shoes Taerin just ran towards the kitchen, she placed the small bag on the table and fled back towards her room. He just watches with a small smile and moves towards his room.

Taehyung came back to the living room after getting freshened up. Taerin was already in the living room the tv was on and some cartoon was playing on it. She was so engrossed in the tv that she didn't realise that her father was in the same room. Taehyung just made his way toward the kitchen and stood there while thinking about what they should eat. After deciding he started to take out the necessary ingredients for their dinner.

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