Chapter 7

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Yesterday night a dead body was found behind the Kings Hotel. It was a guy in his late 30s, some cleaners found him near the dumpster covered in industrial soil. His face was distorted, so left unrecognized, the staff was unable to differentiate if the guy was a customer or not.

Today morning after a long inquiry police were able to collect information about the murdered person. The shocking information was revealed, the guy was on the wanted list for raping and killing his own wife.

By the investigation, it seemed to be the exact same case as the police had been handling for the past few months. Victim or should we say a runaway criminal was murdered same brutal way and it was hard for the Police to identify him even with the forensic report. The FIR from a few days before of him being a suspect helped a lot.

He was found with torn clothes and many cut marks on his body, creating a massive Blood puddle, surely his genitals were totally destroyed like in previous cases. As per the report, he was injured somewhere else and his almost lifeless body was thrown into the alley.

A disapproving groan took Jimin's attention from the television, he looked down and smiled lightly before continuing to play with the other's hair.

Hoseok silently walked placing the two hot bowls on the small table before walking back.

"Hyung" snatched Jimin's gaze from his Husband who was walking back into the kitchen. The male finally decided to open his eyes, now looking back at him with curiosity.

"Yes, Kook?" He answered before massaging his scalp.

"I wanted to tell you something." He said while sitting up and facing the television which still flashed the news from before. Jimin almost pulled him back but restrained himself, it's been a long since Jungkook have came to him, even their house. "Well, are you pitying this?" Jungkook asked as he pointed a finger at the screen.

Jimin laughed softly before shaking his head and saying a small 'no'. Hoseok walked back with another bowl sitting in front of them. "In my opinion that bastard deserved to die."

Jungkook only nodded, eyes still watching the television.

Hoseok handed one of the soup bowls to Jungkook, who put it back down. He whined saying, 'It took a lot of effort to make that.'

"So it is not fixed yet but I think you guys should know and give me some advice as well." Jungkook said calmly, eyes moving between them.

"What is not fixed?" Asked Jimin, eyes watching the younger warily.

"My marriage." He spoke out.

Hoseok almost spitted out the spoonful before coughing violently, "WHAT?!" Was the response both gave him.

"Well I also got to know a day before, They told me that I should meet him then decide and not take any hurried decision." He explained.

"Wait it's HE?!" Jimin asked, now full-blown. Before Jungkook could even give him a nod, Hoseok leaped toward him.

"You said Yes! How could you?" A dramatic dialogue left hope's lips, tightly holding onto Jungkook's collar.

Jimin stifles a laugh at the scene, picking up the slowly taking a sip.

"I tried so hard but No. You never said yes to us. And now that a simple stranger is being asked to marry you, you said yes! I can't believe this!" He dramatically exclaimed before pushing his face into Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook shook his head with a smile before patting his Hyung's head, saying 'It's okay.'

Well, it was nice drama they have between. It started in high school but they still don't mind teasing each other.

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