Baby doll 2

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It's been some months maybe a year I stopped counting since I was taken and I've almost became accustomed to this life style my family stopped searching for me after a month that's when I knew I was stuck here except I'm not alone Chris thought it be a brilliant idea to buy a big ass house with friend so we could all stay together. Now when I say us it's Chris me his friends and the girls the taken like me one thing I never understood is if you wanted me so bad why didn't you just ask me out why abduct me?

"What are we doing today?" I asked meeting with the other girls in the living room. "Nothing the guys have business to attend to and they want us to clean the house or that's our asses when they get back." Camille said

"All we do is clean." Kayla whined while punching the air angrily. "Right ain't shit to clean we just cleaned this morning." Raven the other girl said. Honestly I've had more fun with my grandma at Sunday service this place is like a prison can't do anything without permission and if you break a rule that's your ass.

After recleaning for two hours us girls decided to go out by the pool you sat around talking waiting for the guys to come home.

"Yes daddy?" I answered my phone that was ringing.

"I want you upstairs in my room when I get home we on our way." Then the line went dead I rolled my eyes getting out of the pool completely. "Where you going?" Camille asked as I dried off.

"Chris said him and the guys are the way home he wants me waiting in his room." I went upstairs grabbing clothes out of my room so I could shower while I waited on Chris. How did my life ever come to this point? I sat on his floor watching Tv cuz I didn't want to get into trouble for being on his bed. I laughed at the jokes on wild n out when the door opened revealing Chris and some woman he stopped looking at me. "The fuck you in here for?"

"You called me and told me to wait for you in here?" I said lowly and confused. "Well get the fuck out!"

"Gladly." I see say rudely bumping the girl with him I know I bumped her hard cuz he had to catch her.

"Apologize to her." Was all Chris said and that was bout the funniest thing he said to me I just ignored him and went to my room he stopped putting hands on me specially since I'm pregnant yeah two months.

After a while I walked downstairs to get something to eat seeing the same girl from earlier sitting on Chris's lap making me roll my eyes before speeding up was I doing.

I was making myself pasta once I was done I made my plate and there was still some extra so I just made Chris a plate and put in the microwave.

"Is this for me?" I turned around seeing the girl that was with Chris. "No it's mine why would I cook for you?" Is she dumb

" Oh well I'm taking it anyways"

"No you're not." I say to her trying to remain calm but when she took a bite of my food I punched her and she fell back.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I asked her "you want this so bad eat up" I say grabbing the plate of food forcefully shoving in all in her mouth handfuls at a time.

Soon everyone ran in the kitchen pulling us apart "the fuck is going on?" Did I over react maybe but don't touch my fucking stuff.

She was down there coughing up food fighting for oxygen I snatched out of whoever was holding me an ran out the front door I couldn't be there any more it was literally killing me and my baby I may hate Chris but I actually love my child it's not my babies fault it's being born into all this.

I could hear people running behind me but it only gave me the courage to speed up after cutting through buildings and bobbing and weaving I was able to escape them for now.

4 month later

When I escaped that day I did pretty good staying hidden and out of sight while traveling to safety I was reunited with my family but the police wouldn't let me stay with them I was put into basically a whiteness protection program they moved me to Texas changed my whole identity and everything

Do I trust anyone no crazy right I laid in my bed rubbing my stomach I was big as hell my so kicked and kicked he was a active baby for sure.

"You're gonna be so well protected lil one."

I woke up the next morning not feeling to well but I wasn't going to let that slow me up I had to get stuff done in the house today. I showered then ate before brushing my teeth and what not once I was dressed I headed to the store with my security escorts I had 2 at all time.

"Can you please grab that for me?" I asked on my tippy toes I say turning not seeing either of my guards but Chris there he was with an delusional smile on his face.

"I missed you baby." He said walking closer to me only causing me to back away from him "This can't be real this just can't be!"

"It's real baby you ready come home?" He asked wiping my tears that began falling I gently placed my hand on his arm as he stayed touching my face. "Come on ma make this easier and safer for everyone in the store."

Defeated, I left just for him to find me when we walked outside I saw my security standing with Chris's friends I should have known.

Part 3 ?

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