Chapter 3

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Yoongi was in the garden area.. he was busy with his phone call. After he finished with his call he turned to go back but suddenly he stopped when he saw two people are running so from there .. he can't recognise them ... so he also run towards that said direction . And he got shock when he recognises them !!! his sister with his best friend ...

"What are they doing here, at this time." yoongi mumbled to himself . He was very confuse , why they both ? What are they doing together ?  he shook his head as negative.

"It's not the time to think nonsense yoongi he thought to himself." and run towards them but they were left with the car.. So he take his car key and about to follow them.. But he stopped when he hears his name.

"Yoongi hyung." a voice stopped him from going further, he turn to look see his Lil brother standing panting heavily . He made a confusing face still took two steps forward to where the younger was standing.

"not now baby, i have an important-- and before he could complete his words jungkook cutted him and said which make his eyes widen .

"hyung jenni noona is not in her room and anty have a panic attack come please." younger said with a panicked face . It took yoongi some seconds to resist the real news . But now everything makes clear why he saw Jennie and his dearest friend together at the same time .

He clinches his fist in anger . He feels betrayed at this moment , the person who he trusts most in the world choose to break his trust and thinking of all this make him angry, ofcourse he was mad , mad on hoseok that how can he do such things . He always think of hoseok as his own brother and what he gets in return .

"I will never forgive you for what you did seoki , never!!!"

His mind was an mash but soon Trimble back to his thoughts hearing his younger's word's "huh!!" The only word come from his mouth .

"Come hyung." Jungkook said and literally dragged that zoned out male with him .

When they riched to the room , yoongi saw how his aunty was a crying mash his eomma trying to consol her but she don't listen any of her words which make him a little tensed . He feel pity seeing her in this state .

"why noona run away from the wedding hyung, is she not happy about this marriage." yoongi heard his brother mumbling in his ears asking about Jennie when he still don't get over with earlier's incident.

"don't know baby why she did all these , we all thaught she was happy." That's all he manged to say. Ofcourse they all thought Jennie was happy about her marriage but out of blue she run away making everyone go shock .

They saw mrs Kim standing there doorsteps with a happy face . She come here to ask about to talke the bride to the vanue , jungkook can saw how much happy she looks at her son's wedding . But a frown replace her in her happy face whe she saw the whole room was tensed , ji Kyung was crying while holding her sister's hand she don't look well .

"Are you ok Kyung!!" She ask in concern when she saw her crying but what she don't know is the reason behind her crying . But hearing her words ji Kyung even started more crying .

She look at yoon ah' asking her for what happening here .

"What happen yoon ah' please tell me." She ask while taking yoon ah' one hand assuring to tell the truth .

"Je-nn-ie is not in her room!" yoon ah said stutterly .

"Then where is she." Mr Kim ask confusingly .

"She run away from the wedding." yoon ha said , make the rooms air go thick , mr Kim have a strange look  .

"everyone are waiting for the bride and you are saying that jennie run away. If this wedding don't happen then it will surely effect in our reputation." Mr Kim said with a frustrated face. He grown in anger .

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