Bose And The Bad Girl Part 2

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Schwoz:(Narrating)"Previously on Danger Force..."

Mika:"Who are the Walldogs?"

Ray:"They're a graffiti gang! Apparently, there's a new generation of them on the loose!"


Mika:(To Chapa)"You were acting pretty jealous when Bose started talking about that Walldog girl."

They show the clip of the Walldog girl Vanessa kissing Bose for the first time.

Chapa:"I am NOT jealous! Bose and I are just friends!"


A bunch of other stuff in the "Previously on Danger Force..." we don't need to mention yada yada yada start of episode at the Man's Nest at nightime!

Mika is at her computer.

Tube alert.

Chapa comes up in the tube and she is covered and dirt and angry. She walks out of the tube as Mika turns to her.

Mika:"So? How did it go?"

Chapa:(Angrily dusting herself off)"Not great. Bose pushed me off the top of a mountain. And a mountain is basically one big pile of dirt. In the...shape of a mountain."

Mika sighs.

Mika:"What are we going to do?"

Chapa:"I don't know."

Chapa sighs.

The girls are silent for a few seconds. Suddenly, out of nowhere, out of the blue, Chapa starts crying. Mika is confused but comforts Chapa.

Mika:"Chapa? Why are you crying?"

Chapa:"I'm not crying! I've got some dirt in my eye!"


Chapa sighs.

Chapa:"Okay! I admit! I AM crying! And I AM jealous! And I DO like Bose! And I SHOULD have revealed my feelings for him when I had the chance but now it's too late and he's now with that Walldog girl Vanessa. You should have seen her, Mika! She was a ten! She was GORGEOUS!(Gestures to herself)And look at me! I'm nothing compared to her!"

Chapa sits down on the couch and continues to cry with her hands on her face. Ray walks in through the sliding metal door.

Ray:"Okay, I haven't seen Bose AT ALL today and(Notices Chapa crying)Uh, why is Scary Bradshaw crying?"

Chapa:(Voice cracking)"None of your damn business!"

Mika:(To Ray)"She's pretty upset."

Ray:"Yeah I can tell."

Mika:"Yeah. Chapa, go take a long hot bath in the bathroom of one of guestrooms of one of the 900 rooms of the Man's Nest to get the dirt off before your tears turn to dirt to mud and the bath might help calm you down and feel better."

Chapa gets up and sniffles.

Chapa:"I sure hope so."

Chapa shakingly sighs as she walks towards the metal door. After she walks through the metal door Mika sighs.

Mika:"I hope she'll be okay. I've never seen her so broken up."

Mika sits down.

Ray:"Or so depressed."

Ray sits down.

Miles and Schwoz come in from the sliding metal door. They are talking.

Schwoz:"Yah, I just think there should be three "Es" in "Cheese."

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