Bose X Chapa Oneshots

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Us Chose fans are not very happy about the part where Mika and Bose lied that they kissed and the part where Miles gave flowers to Chapa and said 'M'Lady'. So, we decide to throw an angry mob riot about it.

Me:(points to the studio)"To the studio!"

We all march angrily to the studio.

Guy #1:"Torches! Get your torches!"

We all get a torch.

Guy #2:"Pitchforks! You can't be an angry mob without pitchforks!"

We all get a pitchfork.

Guy #3:"Cotton Candy! Get your cotton candy! Can't throw a riot without cotton candy!"

We all miss the cotton candy.

Chris:"Look at that, Mike!"

We are all coming.

Mike:"Oh, you mean the angry mob with the pitchforks and torches?"

Chris:(Laughs)"That's not an angry mob, Mike. It's your fan club!"

Mike:"Fan club?"

We all chatter indistinctly.

Me:"Let's get 'em, guys!"

We all start chasing them and we beat them up.


Me when I see Chose.

Me:"Kiss. Just kiss. Why aren't they kissing? Do you think they know how to kiss?"


Chapa is on the phone with Bose.

Chapa:"And than how about the orangutan that you know plays the flute? How funny was that? I must have watched that thing like ten times! That's even funnier than the goat on the harmonica! And that's something coming from me because my favorite barnyard animal is a goat! They're so cute! What's that? No way! Your favorite barnyard animal is a goat too? Cool! We have something in common! Hey, wanna hear a funny story? Last week, I--"

Chapa's Dad:"Who are you talking to Chapa?"

Chapa rolls her eyes and sighs.

Chapa:"Hey listen can I call you back?"

Bose talks from the other end.

Chapa:"Yeah it's him."

Chapa hangs up.

The phone goes beep.

Chapa turns to her dad.

Chapa:"No one."

Chapa's Dad:"Oh so you were talking to nobody?"


Chapa's dad arched an eyebrow. He didn't believe that for a second. He fixed Chapa with a look. Chapa sighs and gives in.

Chapa:"I was talking to a boy."

Chapa's Dad:(Overprotective tone)"A boy huh? What's his name?"

Chapa:"His name is Bose. He's a friend from school."

Chapa's Dad:"A friend? Are you sure?"

Chapa:"We're just good friends! Close friends! Best friends! Best buddies! Buddies! Pals! Chums! Amigos!"

Chapa's Dad:"What's his last name?"


Chapa's Dad:"What's his favorite food?"

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