Roller Cowards

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Credit to @Wewantthecake's OC!

Plot:Bose and Chapa are both scared to ride a new roller coaster at Dinny land.

At the Da Silva house in the living room.

Chapa:(reading a story to Sage and Alanna)"And then, the two little ugly girls ran all the way home..."

Bose:(breaking through the Da Silva house's wall)"Chapa, you gotta see this! It's an emergency broadcast on my TV!"

TV announcer:"The day you've been waiting for is almost here. That's right. Dinny land has a new ride. It's big..."

Roller coaster goes up in space than back down to Earth.

TV announcer:"It's fast..."

A lady and her boyfriend Harold are riding a roller coaster so fast, Harold flies off of it.

The Lady:"Harold, no!"

TV announcer:"It's painful..."

Roller coaster crashes into the ground, causing an explosion.

TV Announcer:"It's the Devil. Opening tomorrow only at Dinny land."

Bose:"Tomorrow! Chapa, we gotta get to bed so we can be first in line!"

Bose hangs onto his TV and goes back to his house.

Cut to Chapa sleeping.

Chapa:"Dinny land. Roller coaster. First in line.

Chapa dreams of her and Bose at Dinny land. When they walk past the popcorn stand, it turns into a maggot stand and smoke fills the air.

Dream Chapa:"Excuse me, which way to the Devil?"

Grim Reaper points to his left. Chapa and Bose float over to the ride. When they get in it, it goes up in space. They scream as it goes down. Lighting strikes the tracks, and makes the roller coaster fly off the track.

Dream Chapa:"In the name of amusement, no...!"

Chapa and Bose fall out of the coaster and into graves with their names on the tombstones. A digger puts all the dirt back in the hole.

Chapa wakes up.

Chapa:(Screams)"I don't wanna ride the Devil!"

Cut to next morning when Chapa's alarm goes off but she didn't sleep the whole night. Bose appears by her bed.

Bose:"You ready to ride the Devil?"

Chapa:"No!(pulls back her blanket, revealing her bare feet)Well, yeah. It's just that I had a bad dream last night."

Bose:"Really? Me too!"

Chapa:"What was your dream about, Bose?"

Bose:"Oh, look, the bus is here!"(runs toward the bus)

Chapa:"Wait for me, Bose.(gets on the bus)Whoo! The Devil, here we come."

Boy #1:"Yeah, dudes, we're all riding the Devil."

Boy #2:"I heard somebody rode it and his spine fell out."

Boy #1:(Laughing)"Dude, I hope my spine falls out."

Boy #2:(Laughing)"Yeah, me too."

Chapa:"Boy, the Devil sounds..."

Bose:"Really, really scary. I mean fun-ifying. I mean horror-tastic. I mean fun-ible! Fun, really, really fun."

Chapa:"Yeah, really fun."

Bus stops at Dinny Land and Chapa and Bose get off.

Chapa and Bose see the Devil roller coaster which is really, REALLY, big and tall. There is a hill drop that is really, REALLY, big and tall. The people in the roller coaster cart scream as they go down the hill drop.

Bose X Chapa Oneshots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora