Despite my heart breaking through blindly reliving that night, my voice had became stern and confident, as I knew this was the one and only chance I would get at making this right.

"The morning after, after I had seen the image. I spoke to Jordan who told me exactly what had happened, it seems she had a slightly clearer head than myself as she was able to describe the events that unfolded. She said that towards the end of that night we began to flirt, and once we had gotten into the taxi, she leaned in to kiss me."

"So, you did flirt with her?" Mel questioned; the anger prominent within her tone of voice.

"N-no! I wouldn't. Why would I!?" I exclaimed, trying to plead my innocence.

"Jordan knew about you; she knew how strong my feelings were – are for you. So, she leaned in to kiss me, knowing full well I only had eyes for you. If she had done so when I was sober there's no chance she would have been able to get close enough but –"

"So, she took advantage of you?" Mel interrupted, this time with a softer tone.

A shaky exhale left my body, my head was now lay in my hands as I choked back the tears. "I don't know. I didn't mean to hurt you Mel. I would never do that, I was falling harder for you each day and wanted to make you my girlfriend, this is all so messed up."

By this point I was unable to control my emotions. My breathing began to quicken as I was unable to calm down, my full body began to tremble uncontrollably. Unable to lift my head from my hands I was sat still in the same chair, the only sound filling the room of silence was my harsh breaths as I struggled to hold back the sobs.

Unbeknown, Mel had risen from the bed and was slowly making her way towards me. She knelt down in front of me, gently gripping each of my wrists, pulling them towards her as my head eventually lifted.

I was met once again with her gaze, this time there was a softer look to her facial expression, almost like a look of pity.

"Hey, look at me. Take slow breaths okay. Inhale...123...exhale...123" she whispered.

Eventually my breathing had resumed to normal as I had finally calmed down. Her hands were still gripped onto my wrists as her eyes did not move from mine.

"Come here" She smiled, pulling me off the chair and onto the floor besides her. Moving her hand to my head as she guided it to her shoulder before wrapping both arms around me, cradling me.

We sat in this position for what felt like hours in complete silence.

I finally lifted my head from her shoulder, pulling away slightly from the grip Mel had over me.

"I should make a move, it's getting late."

"How long are you in Manchester for?" Mel questioned.

"I have a train booked for tomorrow afternoon" I responded. Despite not wanting to leave, I didn't want to push my luck by overstaying my welcome.

I wasn't sure what would happen now between me and Mel, but I was grateful she gave me a chance to explain the situation.

As I tied my laces I stood up and embraced her in a gentle hug.

"Thank you for talking to me." I whispered, before leaving a soft, but loving kiss to her right cheek. Causing a shy smile to appear across Mel's face.

Just as I had reached the door to leave the hotel room, I was stopped in my tracks by Mel's next words.

"Le, please stay with me tonight?" I could hear the nervousness in her voice as she seemed uncertain with her words.

Turning back to face her I asked, "Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes please" she nodded, that shy smile appearing on her face once more.

My heart instantly melted, unable to hide the smile which had now appeared upon my face.

Once we had climbed into bed, I made sure to leave a reasonable amount of space between us, again not wanting to overstep the mark. I began to overthink the situation, what if she regretted asking me to stay? Should I offer to leave? Should I sleep on the chair?

As if she could hear my thought process, Mel shuffled closer too me, her arm wrapping around my torso as her head met my chest.

I immediately felt my body relaxed as I allowed one arm to pull her closer, as my other arm rested behind her neck, my hand reaching her hair as I began to stroke her hair in a soothing nature.

"I'm glad you agreed to stay."

"Me too" I smiled before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

A few moments later, I felt Mel moving tilt her head as she slowly lifted it from my chest. Her face was now millimetres away from me as her eyes moved from my lips, back up to my eyes, causing my breath to hitch. She was moving her face closer and closer until her lips finally met mine. It was a firm, but gentle kiss. It wasn't passionate, but it was full of lust. Causing me moan slightly which in return caused Mel to giggle slightly.

As our lips still brushed against one another's I decided this was my chance to finally be honest about my feelings.

"I love you Mel"

I wasn't expecting her to say it back, but I knew I needed to tell her. Placing one final peck to her lips, Mel lowered her head again as it laid back upon my chest, as we resumed our previous position. My hand once again finding her hair.

"I love you too Le." Barely a whisper, but it still manages to make my body erupt with butterflies, this was not how I expected the night to end, but there is nowhere else I would rather be right now. I knew I had a lot of making up to do, and I knew I would have to earn Mel's trust again. 

But for tonight, I am finally lay back in bed with the girl I had fallen in love with. The girl that I wished, I could eventually call mine officially. 

We can only learn to love by lovingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz