food fight

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Characters: Alexander, Thomas, Burr and Washingdad
What's the concept: Thomas gets mad at Alexander and starts a food fight

Alex pov
As I stared to enter the cafeteria to get my coffee, I noticed that sadly the purple annoying prick was already there. Is fine, don't talk to him and you'll be fine I told myself, as I started to make my coffee.

"Good morning, Hamilton and Jefferson" Burr said out of nowhere.

"Ah! Where in the world did you come from!" I yelled while trying to calm down, when suddenly I heard laughing as I looked to my left I saw Jeffershit on the floor not stopping laughing.

"What?" I snapped at him

"You... you scream like... like a girl" he managed to get out in middle of laughs. I rolled my eyes and got my coffee who was thankfully done.

"Good morning Mr. Burr and Mr. Jeffershit" I nodded as I quickly drank my coffee, needing the energy to power through 5 hours of writing with out a break. Jeffershit gave me a dead stare but I couldn't care less, when suddenly he pushed me, making me spill some of my coffee on my shirt.

"What the?!" I yelled at him, but he just smirking. I place my coffee on the table, and punch Jeffershit on the nose. Soon we where rolling on the ground throwing punching each other. Burr sighted and exited the cafeteria probably going to get Mr. Washington. Suddenly I was hit with a piece of bread, apparently jeffershit opened the pantries and started throwing food. I also started to trow food, it was a mess in full honesty.

"Boys!" Washington voice startled both jeffershit and me. We both stopped what we were doing, I quickly dropped the piece of bread I had on my hand. We looked down in shame as we heard a signed from both Washington and Burr.

"What happened?" He asked us. I tried to speak first but Jeffershit wouldn't let me so we just ended yelling at each other again.

"Enough!" Washington yelled at us. He pointed at me to speak. Jeffershit gave a offended look but didn't argue.

I smiled satisfied that I got to talk first. "I was getting coffee when Jeffershit pushed me making me spill some of my coffee, I got mad and punch him soon we where both in a fight, after he decided to start throwing food at me" I told him and could hear Jeffershit mumbling something. Washington then pointed at Jeffershit to hear his version.

Jeffershit took a small breath and said "I was relaxing while talking with Burr when Hamilfuck entered, Burr said good morning and he yelled so I laughed a bit and he called me Jeffershit, so I pushed him then he punched me on the nose, I think he broke it. Anyway we started to fight and I grabbed a piece of bread as self defense and he also threw stuff at me and my hair" Jeffershit's hair was covered with bread a banana and other foods.

"Your both act like kids" Washington mumbled while looking at us.

"Hamilton, say sorry to Jefferson for calling him Jeffershit and for punching him as well as for throwing food at him" he said strictly. Jeffershit was smirking and I groan.

"Jefferson, I also want you to say sorry to Hamilton for calling him Hamilfuck and for punshing him as well as for throwing food at him" now it was my turn to smirk.

"Sorry" we both mumbled after Washington gave us a dead stare.

"Good, now clean this up and change clothes if you need some there are in my office just knock." He said strictly as both him and Burr left us alone again. I looked at the mess we did and in did we looked like kids in a food fight. I heard Jeffershit signed but started to clean, I quickly finish my coffee and also help.


Wooooow second chapter today!
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter I know it was short but I hope it was good. So sorry it took me so long! I was busy with school 😅🤗☆

Lex out ^♡^

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