Chapter 15

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I stand there with the flowers I picked out. They are absolutely beautiful. I made sure to get the most perfect bouquet.

Luckily, the walk to Cupcake's house is not too far of a walk from mine. Today isn't exactly the warmest day.

I text him to come to his front door, not wanting anyone else to answer if I rang the doorbell. I really hope he likes red chrysanthemums. I made sure to look up the meanings of all the flowers before I picked which one to get him.

With only a week until February, the temperature is fairly low, and there is snow everywhere.

"Hey, Princess." I am greeted when the door opens.

He looks perfect. He wears all black, his hair is getting longer and it is a little messy.

"Cupcake." I say, breathing out. I didn't even realize I was so nervous. "I got these for you." I say, holding out the bouquet. "I-I-I-" I freeze completely, my eyes go wide. Am I making a mistake?

"It is okay, Princess, take your time. No one is home, come inside." He tells me, I nod and follow him, taking my shoes off at the front door, still unable to open my mouth.

I follow him as he gets a vase for the flowers and fills it before putting the flowers in it.

He leads me up to his room, not a word is said between the door and his room.

"What did you want to say, Princess?" He asks me, sitting next to me on the edge of his bed and tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Well, I don't want to ruin anything, Cupcake." I tell him. "But I really like you, like really really like you, and I have for a long time now. I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?" I ask, managing to spit everything out.

His reaction is going to change everything. Either we are going to go on a date and everything will be perfect, or I just ruined the best thing in my life.

"Princess," Is he going to say no? Did I just ruin everything? "I would love to go on a date with you." He says, I feel myself letting out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding, ,my moth forming the biggest smile. "I really like you too, I have for a long time." He confirms.

"Really?" I am going on a date with my Cupcake! He nods. I throw myself into his arms. "I am so excited, Cupcake."


A half hour later, Cupcake is opening the door to his car for me. I didn't mean for the date to be thirty minutes after I asked, but Cupcake didn't want to wait any longer, even if tomorrow was the day I had in mind.

"I cannot believe we are finally going on a date!" I say as we drive. Cupcake, as always, has his right hand on my thigh, so I put my own hand on top of his.

Last week, I forced Cupcake to have the conversation with me that no one has ever been willing to have. But at the age of seventeen, I thought it was time.

I finally found out what sex was, and how it worked. I also found out what that Tyler guy wanted to do in the closet on my first day, that made me cry for a good hour.

Cupcake told me that the conversation is usually awkward, but I still don't understand why. It is all just natural to a human, so I don't see why it makes people uncomfortable.

I guess it was a little weird that my body does some of the things that indicate arousal when I am near him, but other than that it was fine. I finally feel like I know a secret that everyone has been withholding from me.

"Cupcake, I was the one that asked you on a date." I point out. "So why are you taking me somewhere?" I ask. He wouldn't even let me tell him where to go! And this was all my idea!

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