Chapter 5

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"Ah!" I squeal as I admire our hands side by side.

We are adorable.

His hands are much bigger than mine, and his skin is darker than mine by a few shades, but we still both look absolutely amazing in our matching pale pink nail polish.

Cupcake said that he usually sticks with black for his nails, but he was willing to switch it up for me.

He is so sweet!

Now that our nails are finally dry, Cupcake wants to watch a movie. Apparently I should have seen a PG-13 film by this point in my life.

I am a little afraid, but I trust my Cupcake. He can always hold me if I get scared!

Cupcake took me into his room to watch the movie rather than the living room, Mia is home and she has Mel over. Both of us agreed that we didn't want to have them interrupt our movie.

Cupcake throws a blanket over us, and it is fluffy!

I cuddle into him, just like I would do whenever my parents and I would watch a movie. Except we always stuck to Disney movies.

"Is this okay? Are you comfortable, Cupcake?" I ask him, suddenly remembering that he's not my parents, and he's not used to physical contact.

"Princess, I am perfectly comfortable." He says, pulling me even closer when he wraps his arm around me.

I wrap my arms around Cupcake too. This isn't like the cuddling I would do with my parents. Instead, I lay my head on his shoulder as my arms are wrapped around him, my legs thrown over top of his. Mama, Papa and I would usually just all share a blanket and sit close together.

Cupcake isn't crazy muscular like those guys on those magazine covers, but he still has a lot of muscle, probably from all the martial arts he was telling me about.

"I recognize him!" I yell right as the first person comes on the screen. "He's on the magazine covers I would see when Mama let me go to the grocery store with her! The headlines would also say how attractive he is, but I just don't get it."

I look again at the actor, he's probably well over six feet tall, brown hair, blue eyes, so muscular that he probably spends all his time at the gym.

The few times I have been to the store, I would read the covers of the magazines at the check out, and whoever this guy is is apparently 'the biggest heartthrob in Hollywood'.

"You don't think he's cute, Princess?" Kai asks me, his thumb rubbing circles on my hip over my dress.

"Not really. You are way prettier than him." Friends say this stuff, right? I'm just being honest!

"Thank you Princess." He kisses my temple.

He kissed my face! My first ever kind-of kiss! Oh my goodness! Is it bad that I really want him to do it again? I hope he does!

"Why do you call me that?" I ask him, it seems like an odd nickname for someone you just met.

"Well, when I first saw you I didn't know your name, but you are absolutely beautiful, so I went with 'Princess', but then you told me your name, Evangeline Rose definitely sounds like the name a princess would have, so I stuck with it. You also wear pretty dresses all the time. It's fitting." He explains.

"Aww, Cupcake." I coo, snuggling more into his arm. "You are the sweetest, I am so happy that I found you."

We sit in silence for a few minutes while the movie plays, but I don't last very long being quiet.

"Why do you think my parents raised me how they did?" I ask Cupcake.

"I had a feeling you would be the type to talk through the entire movie." He chuckles, moving a piece of hair that had fallen in my face.

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