Chapter 11

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Having a major crush on your best friend is painfully difficult. Not only is my best friend the person I would want to talk about this kind of thing with, but my best friend is the one person I can't talk about this with.

I can't tell him! What if he doesn't feel the same? He is my best friend! I can't lose him! I would rather be just his friend than ruin what we have by telling him I like him!

"I'm not sure why you are treating me like this. I've dealt with it every month since I was twelve." I point out.

I told him on the phone that I had cramps and I wasn't feeling great. Next thing I know, I'm in his bed, my stomach is full of Yumi's cooking, along with ice cream. I've taken a few Advils and a purple stuffed hippo that can be heated in the microwave rests on my stomach.

Cupcake went a little overboard. I lay next to him, I have to stay on my back to keep the hippo- I named her Harriet- in place, so it's a little awkward.

"I'm making sure that this is as comfortable for you as possible, I can only imagine how awful it is." He tells me. He then kisses my cheek. He is perfect.

"Thank you Cupcake. But you are setting my standards incredibly high." I joke. What if he doesn't like me? What if I don't end up with him? No one could ever compare!

"Princess, no one could ever deserve you. But you deserve the best." He tells me. The way he says it doesn't make much sense to me, but I'm just going to go with it anyway.

"I hope we go to the same school. Then we can be roommates!" I would love that! I would spend more time with him and we could cuddle everyday! As if we don't already, but still!

"I told you not to make a decision based on me." He reminds me. "But I don't think there is another human I can tolerate enough to share a room with besides you." He adds. The internet has confirmed for me that if we both request to be roommates, then we are going to be able to share a room! And we can even make our beds one giant bed!

"Have you ever been to Japan?" I ask my Cupcake, trying not to get too distracted by the pretty tattoos on his arm.

"My family goes every other year during the summer, we stay for about two weeks." He says. Two weeks?

"Are you going this year?" I ask. How can I last two weeks without him! Oh no! He can't leave!

"Yeah." He says exactly what I didn't want him to. He is going to be gone for two weeks this summer!

"Can we watch The Princess and the Frog?" I ask. Cupcake immediately puts it right on.

Me, being me, cannot get through the first two minutes without talking. I really hope Cupcake doesn't mind me talking through movies, because he will probably never watch a movie without me talking ever again. Especially one I have seen before.

"I miss them." I blurt out. It's been five weeks since I lost them. Five weeks without Mama and Papa.

"I know Princess." He whispers, squeezing me the best he can.

"They are gone, forever." I cry. I have spent the past three weeks distracting myself, focusing all my energy on school and Cupcake. I haven't let myself miss my parents at all. I was hoping that avoidance would stop the pain.

I decide to throw myself on Cupcake, Harriet falling to the floor in the process. Even with no time to react, he is still able to catch me, holding me tightly against his chest. I bury my face into his neck, trying to hide my face. I am an ugly crier.

"They didn't deserve to die." I sob. "They left me forever! They told me they would be back by ten, but they never came back at all."

"I know, Princess." Is all he says. What else would you say to someone in my situation?

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