Chapter 12

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"So, any cute boys catch your attention?" I ask Seb, looking for my size in the cutest pink dress, the sheer overlay has a heart pattern!

The last time Seb and I went shopping, I was so focused on getting gifts for Cupcake that I didn't look at anything for myself, so today is all about me!

"Not yet." He sighs, looking at the dress I am picking out. "Have you come to terms with your feelings yet?" My face heats up.

I turn away and continue to look around, rushing to a light pink mini skirt, my size is right on top of the pile! It is a sign! I need it! "I have." I admit, blushing even harder.

"Wow Evie, I am proud of you, I thought you would still be in denial." He admits, sifting through a rack of cropped cardigans, throwing a lavender one on the pile of clothes I am going to try on.

"I just realized how different I feel towards him than you. I really like him, he is just perfect!" I squeal.

"You two would be absolutely perfect together. You need to tell him how you feel." Seb tells me as we walk to the dressing rooms.

I freeze. "No. I can't!" I tell him. "I finally have a best friend, I can't lose him. I don't want to risk our relationship." I explain.

"I know, but you don't want to be stuck wishing you had told him. What if he goes and gets a different girlfriend because he didn't know how you felt? I know you are scared, but if he does feel the same, the sooner you tell him, the more time you have to be together." Seb points out.

"I guess you are right." I admit.

The lady asks me how many items I have and then leads me to an open fitting room, unlocking the door and giving me a smile before she walks away.

Should I tell Cupcake? What if he feels the same? What if I do miss out on my chance of a happy ever after?

But what if I mess up the best thing that has ever happened to me?

I stare at myself in the pink skirt I grabbed, throwing on a white sweater I also picked out. It is really cute. But is it cute on me?

I step out of the fitting room, Seb is waiting on the other side.

"Yes for the skirt, no for the sweater." He says and looks right back to his phone. I nod and go back in the room.

The sweater is just plain white, it is a bit boring for how expensive it is.

I change into a tight plaid purple mini skirt and the cardigan Seb picked out. Now this is cute.

I hang the pink skirt on my 'yes' hook and the sweater on my 'no' one.

I step out of the fitting room again.

"Absolutely yes. You look stunning, Evie." I smile and go back into the fitting room. If Seb thinks I look stunning, then will Cupcake think I do too?

I take a picture of myself and send it to Cupcake, asking if I should buy it, even though I am putting it on the 'yes' hook as the text sends.

This time I put on a floral dress. I look at it. I have never really been a midi dress kind of girl, but I show it to Seb anyway.

"That is really pretty." Is all he says before I go back in and hand it on the 'maybe' hook. It is super pretty, I do really like it, but it is just so different for me.

I pull on a white dress, but it is entirely see through! You can see my purple underwear right through it! I don't even show it to Seb.

I look down at my phone to find a text from my Cupcake. 'You look beyond gorgeous, Princess' is all it reads, but I still turn bright red.

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