Chapter 6

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Cupcake seems to have an awful lot of faith in me.

So, I decided that this weekend I am going to do something to challenge my disorder.

Cupcake has no idea that I am doing this. I need to work on challenging it without him holding my hand. Then maybe I can work on it with him holding my hand. I really like it when he is holding my hand!

Today I decided that I am going to a bookstore, all alone.

My grandparents let me leave with no questions asked. I just told them I was leaving and my grandma shouted, "good".

The walk to the store is scary, but I manage, all the roads are busy, so I never feel like I am alone and at risk of being kidnapped.

I have never really read much. My parents always picked the books I read and told me when to read them. But a bookstore seems like the quietest place I could go, and like the least intimidating place to do my weekend challenge. So, here I am.

I read the backs of every book with a pretty cover.

Death, drugs, murder, heartbreak, all of them seem to revolve around these topics.

My parents must have really filtered through books, they never let me read about any of the topics any of these books are about. All I read about were kids going on magical adventures.

"Hey." I hear from behind me.

I jump a little bit and then I turn around.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." The voice comes from a boy, probably about my age.

I look at him, he has dark hair that is a bit curly, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. He wears jeans and a black hoodie.

"It's okay." I assure him, giving him a smile. Maybe I can make another friend!

"I'm Sebastian." He introduced himself.

"Evangeline." I tell him.

My hands start to play with the hem of my long sleeved pink dress, it matches my nails! And Cupcake's too!

"It's nice to meet you, I just moved here, so I don't really know anyone yet." He says.

How can he be so confident? He just walked to to me and introduced himself!

I nod, not knowing what else to do. "Where are you from?" I ask him.

"I was born in Puerto Rico, but left there when I was ten, I just moved from New Jersey." He tells me.

"Are you still in high school?" I ask him, he looks like he is about my age.

He nods, "I am a junior, I am starting Evermore on Monday."

That makes him a year below Cupcake and I.

"I just started there last week, I am a senior." I say, I think I just made another friend! He could never replace my Cupcake, but maybe I can have more than one friend! "I was homeschooled until then." I add, letting him know I didn't just move here like him.

"How is the school?" He asks.

"Well, I don't have anything to compare it to. But I think it is okay. People are a little mean to me, but I think that is just a problem for me. But I already have a best friend. He is the nicest person in the world." I tell Sebastian.

"What's his name?" Sebastian asks me, ignoring the fact that I mentioned some people are mean.

"His name is Kai, but I call him Cupcake." I say, I already know I have the biggest smile on my face as I talk.

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