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"Burn them all if they refuse to co-operate."
"B-but your highness-"
"You dare to question your lord?"
"N-no your highness."

"S-sir, there is someone who is obstructing our army."
"How is that possible? They are all farmers , how can anyone amongst them fight, that too against the strongest army in the country?"
"I do not understand either my lord."
"Present this great fighter, alive,in front of me right now if you wish to see tomorrow's sunrise."
"Y-yes your highness. We will capture him in no time."

"H-huh? My lord, it-it is but a woman!" One of the guards exclaimed in disbelief.
"Is that so?" The lord, surprised,walked towards the struggling silhoutte who was trying to free herself from the nobleman's guards.
"What a beauty!" The lord muttered in awe as he slowly lifted the veil off the mysterious woman. The essence of full moon night as if added to her beauty as her fierce eyes shone bright with rage and hatred.
"If I am not mistaken you must be Liu Xinyue, I didn't expect to meet you here."
"Don't touch me with your flithy hands." The woman stated in disgust as she tried to move her face away from the nobleman.
"How dare you run your mouth in front of his highness himself, you fool. Be grateful you are still alive and beg for your life to be spared."One of the guards shouted as he pulled out his sword and threatened her. However,the king glared at him and signalled him to put the sword down.
"I would rather die than beg for my life from you terrorisers." The woman declared in extreme disgust, and spat on the ground.
"An interesting figure you are." The lord said as he grabbed her face. "So fearless, yet so naive as to not understand the severity of the situation you are in. Yet it is a shock to me that a beauty like you, that too descending from a high class family is not a mistress to a lord but a useless warrior in a secret village of rebels."
"I consider myself privileged to be raised amongst farmers than terrorisers." "Tsk,my lord, as you like to be called." The mysterious woman smirked.
"This is the first time, I must admit, that someone has truly tested my patience, but surprisingly this is also the first time someone's head has remained attached to their body after testing my patience. So you must consider yourself lucky. Well but unfortunately, I do not have time to chit-chat. Tell your people to give up on resisting and instead become slaves under my kingdom or innocent lives will continue to be taken."
"We are but rebels, my lord, how can we be innocent? My people will thus not give in and continue to resist until their last breathe."
"I am giving you another chance to reconsider. If you and your people give in now, not only will their lives be spared but also will you be cherished and pampered with all sorts of delicacies and luxury. Your beauty has attracted me and thus if you give in, I shall make you mine; a golden opportunity you will never recieve ever again."
"Well is that how you confess your love to a woman who is utterly disgusted even by your presence? Then I will have to disappoint you by rejecting the golden opportunity you are providing to me."
"Well then our conversation ends here. GUARDS! Burn the whole village down and *Slash*.........."


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