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(Julien Fantino - pictured above - used to be the head of Ontario Provincial Police and he compared weed to murder

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Julien Fantino - pictured above - used to be the head of Ontario Provincial Police and he compared weed to murder. Then once he retired he realized he could make a lot of money off of weed and him and his mounted police buddy helped create a recreational Cannabis company. HYPOCRITES!)


I remember the moment clearly. It was a televised political debate between all the political party leaders in Canada. For those who do not live in Canada there are three major parties. On the left hand side is the NDP. Their leader, Thomas Mulcair, said he believed in decriminalizing cannabis. The Conservatives are on the right hand side, not surprisingly. Their fascist leader was called Prime Minister Stephen Harper. And he had been in power for ten long years. He was against Cannabis and even said cigarettes were better for you.

At the time I believed the Liberal Party of Canada to be the middle ground. Not too left and not too right. I no longer agree with this. I think they are just the other right wing party now.

At the time I was going to vote for the NDP. My wife liked Justin Trudeau because he was good looking and looked good in shorts. However, she still hadn't decided to vote for him.

But then he said something I was not expecting. He said if he became Prime Minister he would start legalizing Cannabis on the very first day. And just like that I was sold. And I was a sucker. My wife and I looked at each other and it was decided. Justin would be who we would vote for. Based on this issue alone.

No more sitting in parking lots in Scarborough risking your life to get weed. No more threat of being harassed by the police for smoking something that makes you feel a bit better about things.

Thomas Mulcair from the NDP did not have the flash or name recognition of Justin Trudeau. Decriminalization is a longer word. One thing Justin and his advisors understood was how to get young peoples' attention and this statement made Justin the Prime Minister. Mulcair was simply not prepared and had no way to make his decriminalization argument sexy.

I wish we had done some more research. My wife and I loved our experiences in Amsterdam where cafes are allowed to sell Cannabis. So you can have a coffee and a snack and also smoke a joint. And I love it. But the truth is weed is actually illegal in Amsterdam.

Come again?

Yes, you heard right. It was decriminalized in 1976 - not legalized. So why would Canada do this? Shouldn't we have looked at the one place in the world that dealt with Cannabis correctly? The Canadian Government wanted to cash in.

The difference is this. Legalization seems to mean that the government can have strict control. As a strategy the Liberals put former head of the Toronto Police in charge of weed. Cannabis is still treated like a sin. So there is a sin tax. Penalties for using Cannabis while driving are actually worse than if you drink and drive.

I repeat. It's not the same as alcohol!

Also, there is no way to test if you just smoked it or you smoked it three weeks ago. It stays in your system. So you could end up with a criminal record for smoking it three weeks ago and then driving your car. Does that sound logical or fair?

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