The Problem with QUEBEC

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Photo: Standing in a line up on Boxing Day to buy Government weed at ten in the morning

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Photo: Standing in a line up on Boxing Day to buy Government weed at ten in the morning. These people are miserable.


December 2022 MONTREAL, QUEBEC

If you're not from Canada you will not know that the entire country hates Toronto. Guess where I'm from? Toronto!

The rest of the country believes that we are self-centred and feel we are superior to every other place in the country. And this is generally true. But I think of myself an anti-Torontonian. But the Toronto ego can find me in situations like this line up.

Ontario's Cannabis situation is very different from other provinces like Quebec. I found this out when I was in Montreal during the winter break. I had run out of weed and it was Boxing Day. I figured it would be easy to solve this problem since Prime Minister Justin "blackface" Trudeau and rumoured son of Fidel Castro had legalized weed.

I was one of the fools who voted for this.

Justin Trudeau and Bill Blair (the top cop in charge of Cannabis) let the provinces decide how they would handle legalization. You can imagine that most Provinces then went about this exactly the wrong way. After decades of filling everyone with propaganda against this flower, they were now going to be the ones to decide how we could all consume it?

Ontario almost screwed this up in a big way. Premiere Kathleen Wynne - who once again I voted for - decided it should be sold like liquor in special government controlled stores. This was a mistake for numerous reasons. 1. Weed is not alcohol. It doesn't do the same thing and it shouldn't be lumped in with the destructive and psychosis causing alcohol drug. 2. Weed is something used as medicine for a lot of people so asking them to go into a liquor store to buy it is a mistake. Weed is even used as medicine for the cellular damage that alcohol causes.

Soon Kathleen Wynne was voted out and Doug Ford (Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's older brother) had become the new Premiere. He decided the free market should decide what happens and allowed different companies to compete - as well as having an Ontario store you could order online from and have delivered to your house. This is the only decision he as ever made correctly ever in his life and I think it's because he used to be a hash dealer in Etobicoke and worked out of his parent's basement. So he knows the market forces.

It took a while but eventually there were Cannabis stores all over the place. This over saturated the market and now a whole bunch of them are closed.

So when I set out to buy weed that one frosty Boxing Day morning I assumed that Quebec was like Ontario. I have been going to Montreal for good times for many decades. Toronto was always considered "Toronto the Good" and Montreal was where you went to drink till 4 am.

I went into the nearby Hyatt hotel and asked where the nearest dispensary was expecting it would be around the corner. I was in the centre of downtown.

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