He doesn't seem too happy about it but he goes with it anyway.

When we finished up at the gym, Sam had texted me the details. They were leaving their house around eight.

I asked if I could invite Grant and Paige as well. Paige does have a fake ID as well.

He said it was okay so I texted them. Paige said she was too tired since she's in a photo shoot right now.

I don't blame her though. Grant said he was down so it was going to be everyone but Paige unfortunately.

I dropped Elliot back off at his apartment so he could shower and get ready before we head out.

It was only three pm so we had some time to shower and get ready. Once I get home, I quickly get in the shower.

I wasn't there long, I quickly got out so I could blow dry my hair. Once done, I put on a random tank and bike shorts.

I wanted to be over at the boys at seven so they wouldn't have to wait on me. Grant and Elliot are meeting us at the bar.

I skimmed through my closet so I could find something to wear for tonight. Since it's getting warmer, I didn't want to be too clothed.

I tend to get hot whenever I drink. I didn't feel like dressing up too much either. I decided to put on a plaid skater skirt with a sheer top.

The skirt was a little short but it wasn't too short. I put on some fishnet stalkings under my skirt and put my Doc Marten's on.

I don't dress alternatively a lot, but I do enjoy it every once in awhile. I straighten my hair and do light makeup.

Once I'm done, I ask Colby if it was okay if I go ahead and head over. He said it was okay so I grabbed some stuff.

I grabbed my phone charger, keys, and wallet before walking out of the apartment.

I went into my car and started to drive to their house. It was currently five thirty so I was early.

Maybe we could pregame a little. And that's exactly what we did. We hung out in the kitchen and pregamed.

By the time we left the house, I was a little tipsy. I'm just happy that we all ordered a Uber.

We get to the bars and thank the Uber driver for driving us to the bars while we climb out.

There wasn't a line outside the bar thankfully but Elliot and Grant were waiting outside.

I stumbled out of the Uber which caused Kat to laugh towards me. We linked arms together as we walked to the other two boys.

"Are you drunk already?" Elliot asked as we walked up to him. "No, but everything is funny." The bouncer asked for our Id's so we pulled them out.

I wasn't too worried, maybe it's because of the alcohol. Luckily, he didn't say anything about it and let me in.

The six of us walked in the bar together. The music was blasting as we all ordered drinks. I ordered a Pink Starburst since I really like it.

It looked like it was karaoke night at this bar since someone was singing awfully on the stage.

"You should get up there and sing!" Colby suggested in my ear. I smile over towards him.

"Get me another drink and I'll put my name on the list." I talked tow the person in charge so I can put my name on it list.

There were two people ahead of me so I didn't have to rush out there. I looked for a song to sing while I sipped on my drink.

Once I found the song, I put it in and went over to my friends. "Are you really going up there?" Sam asked if I nodded my head.

Grant thought it'll be fun too. He went and signed up to do karaoke too. We stood around the bar and drank while we watched.

After a few songs, it was finally my time so they called me up. I Wanna Dance with Somebody started playing.

I started singing into the microphone which made people start cheering. I wanted to sing something I knew that they would like.

I was right too, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I looked over to see Sam and Kat dancing with their cups in their hands.

Once done, I did a quick bow and staggered off the stage as Grant walked onto it.

He sang Kiwi by Harry Styles which didn't surprise me. He has a very big crush on Harry Styles.

We stayed at that bar for a while, and once we walked out, I was feeling the alcohol.

Sam and Kat were walking ahead of us. I was walking with Elliot while Grant and Colby were in the ahead of us two.

"It's getting late, Sav. I think we should go." Elliot spoke. I look at the time to see it was only ten.

I stop in my tracks and shake my head towards him. "I don't want to leave." I frown towards me.

He huffed out a breath while he looked at me. "I work in the morning. I don't want to be out late." He repeated.

"I know so you don't have to. I wanna stay out with everyone." I argued with him.

Just because he has to work, I don't understand why I have to go home. I could tell he was starting to get frustrated with me.

"You're already drunk. Just come home with me so I know you can get home safe." He offers but I shake my head.

"I can handle myself, E. I'm fine." I know he's just watching out for me but I'm okay. I have Sam, Colby, and Grant if something happens.

"Everything okay over here?" Colby asked while stumbling over to us. I could hear Grant tell Sam and Kat to stop walking.

Elliot didn't seem too happy Colby was walking over. "Elliot has to go home because he has work in the morning." I explain to him.

He looked in between us for a moment. "Well, do you wanna go home?" I shook my head no.

"I wanna stay out with you all." I frown. Colby came over and slung his arm around me.

"I'll keep an eye out on her, I promise." Elliot didn't like the idea but I knew he wasn't gonna argue more.

"I'll call you tomorrow. Let me know when you get home." I smiled happily as he walked away from us.

This is gonna be a good night.

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