She stood up and the blood covering the boy made him unrecognisable. She stood up and looked at Kyler still clenching her bloody knuckles "and that's how it's done".

Kreese was ecstatic. He had created the one thing he couldn't turn Johnny into. A monster. And she had became the one thing she swore to never become. The enemy.

Mia was waiting outside the high school for Maddy

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Mia was waiting outside the high school for Maddy. The two hadn't even talked. She was needing her vets friend more then ever right now.

She spotted Kyler walking behind Demetri pushing him about "Demetri!" Mia called walking over "you alright there?"

"Oh god" Demetri bowed his head thinking Mia was gonna join in with Kyler

"You wanna tell me why you're following Demetri Kyler?" She put her hands on her hips "because last time I recalled you haven't got much back to stand on"

Kyler gritted his teeth "stop getting in the way. We're cool now."

Mia looked at Demetri and smiled slightly "I'll see you" she winked as he walked away. Mia looked at him "now listen to me here. We're not friends, we're not buddies we're not even team mates. I don't care if you win loose or tie a fight. I couldn't give two shits if you broke a bone. I know what person you are" she poked his chest "we're not ever going to get along" she started walking away. She spotted Johnny and Miguel staring at her. She stopped and looked at them for a second before walking away.

She waited by her car to see Maddy coming out "hey you!" She yelled as Maddy saw her and bowed her head "hey!" She ran up to Maddy "you've been ignoring my calls"

"Been busy" Maddy tried to excuse herself "school and what not"

"Yeah" Mia said sadly "listen I know things have been weird"

"You know Sam had a panic attack" Maddy interrupted her "a massive one when your buddies came and attacked her and Demetri"

"What are you talking about?" She looked confused "when did they attack everyone?"

"You don't know" Maddy realised "well Mia what we done was ridiculous"

Mia frowned "I don't regret a thing. I wouldn't attack her now because I got my payback I'm finished but what I did had reasoning behind it"

"She didn't know about your mom"

"Yes she did" Mia scoffed "she's always known my mom was sick. Even when she left Aisha to join the popular girls she knew I was struggling. She could have come to me before going off and ruining everything"

"But maybe this happened for a reason. Frank was no good for you"

Mia was loosing her temper "he was gonna give me money to save my mom. Not a single person gives a shit about me Maddy. So excuse me for having to get my hands dirty to save myself"

"I know" Maddy shook her head "I know you better then anyone"

"Then you should know how I'm not a bad person"

"I know you're not"

"So stop treating me like one!" She raised her voice "you can be friends with Sam and that's fine. I'm not some jealous friend but don't try and make me feel like rubbish for dealing with stuff my way" tears were burning her eyes "I did what I think was right at the time and I can't change that. So I don't need one of my favourite people on the earth trying to tell me how awful of a person I am believe me I know" she walked away before Maddy could reply.


Johnny had tried to open a new dojo. Kreese walked up to her "you wanna come help me show what we're worth"

She smiled "yeah"

Kreese smirked as he put his arm around her as the Cobra Kai's started walking to the park. Hawk and Louie and their little minions walked out first. Followed by Tory and Kyler and then Mia and Kreese came out with a couple others behind them.

Johnny's jaw clenched seeing Mia next to Kreese. She was a bit too much like him that many years ago. Johnny looked at her "the shit he's getting you to do is gonna screw up your life"

Mia started walking towards him as Kreese put his hand in front stopping her "you see Johnny the difference between you and Mia here is she doesn't let anyone hold her back"

Johnny only looked at Mia "could've made your life gone another way Mia"

She stared at him with no expression behind her eyes "like you would've taken me back" she said as Johnny stared at the floor "exactly"

Miguel looked at Mia with sorrow in his eyes. She was just staring at the two like they were pathetic "let's go" Kreese smiled knowing Mia had left an impact on Johnny.

Hey everyone

In serious need of your help. Who the hell should be Mia's love interest ?

Miguel, Tory or Robby??  If you guys say like Robby or Miguel I can get Tory a love interest cause gal deserves to be happy icl. Help me out!!

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