Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on."

Arthur hurried towards them breaking up the play fight between his sons as he spoke panicked, "Stop! Stop it!"

"It's not the Irish" said Remus.

Silvia stood up, concerned. "Then, who is it?"

Arthur walked up to Ginny as he spoke to the rest of the group, "We've got to get out of here. Now!"

The couple looked at each other worriedly as they began to help Arthur usher the kids out of the tent.

Screams of terror flooded their ears as a man shouted at them as he ran, "Get out of here, it's the Death Eaters!"

Arthur's faced paled, "Get back to the Portkey, everybody, stick together! Fred, George! Ginny is your responsibility."

Silvia added, "Harry, Hermione and Ron! Stay with Sirius, Remus and I!"

"Move your arse, Mini-Prongs unless you wanna die!" Silvia shouted at her godson who was standing still despite there being actual murderers roaming the campsite.

Silvia took a glance around as she saw people marching with their heads hooded and their faces masked. Above them, floating mid-air, were four figured being contorted into grotesque shapes. Two of the figures were incredibly small. 'Children' Silvia thought.

More and more wizards joined the masked group as they laughed up at the people floating. Tents were being set alight one after the other, Death Eaters were merciless. Silvia recognised one of the people who were floating, Mr Roberts, he was the site manager. The other three looked to be his wife and children. One of the Death Eaters flipped Mrs Roberts upside-down with his wand as her nightdress fell, revealing her underwear. The poor woman tried snd failed to cover herself.

"Sick Bastards!" Spat Silvia as she helped the poor woman cover herself before moving with the group, making sure the young trio were still by her side. They were, thank Merlin.

Arthur, Remus and Sirius ran off to help the Ministry, Silvia insisted that she stayed with the kids to make sure they were safe. Reluctantly, Sirius agreed and he followed after his best friend and friend.

The group which now only consisted of the twins, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Harry and Silvia ventured into the woods in means of hiding there until they were safe. It was pitch-black in the woods, Hermione scavenged her coat for her wand. "Lumos!"

"What happened?" Asked Silvia.

The light which illuminated the wood, showed Ron sprawled across the ground as he muttered, "Tripped over a tree-root."

Silvia helped the boy up as a new voice now spoke up, "With feet that size, it's hard not to."

The group spun around sharply, Draco Malfoy was standing alone near them, leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. He appeared to have been watching the show play out through a gap in the trees.

Silvia sighed, "A Malfoy. Why am I not surprised?"

"Hello dear cousin-in-law. How was Azkaban?" The blonde retorted.

Silvia smiled, "Delightful, really. It was like a big holiday!"

Draco ignored her as his attention snapped back to Ron who had called him something that he would never dare to say in front of Molly Weasley.

"Language, Weaslebee." His pale eyes glittered as he spoke, "Hadn't you better hurry along? Wouldn't want her spotted, would you?" He asked, gesturing to Hermione.

Hermione shook her head angrily, "What's that supposed to mean!?"

Draco spoke casually, "Granger, they're after muggles. D'you want to be showing off your knickers in mid-air? Because if you do, hang around..they're moving this way."

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