John "Soap" MacTavish

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I woke up in my bed with the sun in my face. Johnny must have brought me up here. I hear the faint sound of guitar coming from downstairs. I pull the covers off of me so see I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. I stand up and walk over to my dresser. I pull out some new clothes and put them on. Once I'm done with that i open my door to be greeted with the smell of sausage and the beautiful sound of guitar.

I walk down stairs to see John on the couch with a guitar. He looks up at me and stops playing. "I thought you'd never wake up." He jokes. "Funny MacTavish." I says as i walk over to him. "Oh, before i forget, Simon texted me and told me that he wanted you to text him when you woke up. Your phones on the table." He says. I nod and walk over to the table and grab my phone.

I clicked his name on messages

Y/N: Good morning handsome.

Simon: Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?

Y/N: I slept well. I miss you though. It's never a goodnights rest without you.

Simon: i miss you too. I've got to get going. There's a new guy. German i think. I'll call you tonight. Love you darling.

Y/n: love you ❤️

I set my phone down back on the table and turn to soap. "What time is it?" I ask. He looks down at his watch. "Quarter after 10." He replied as he looks back up at me. I nod and turn to walk to the fridge but a pain in my stomach happens. I grab the counter top and bend over groaning. "Shit are you ok?" Soap asks as he rushes over. "Yeah...fuck." I groan. "Don't tell me your going into labor." He mumbled. "Im thirty eight weeks pregnant. It's possible." I say while stretching my back. His face is plastered with fear.

"It's just contractions. I might not even be-." I say but am cut off by another pain. "Fuck...John...get the hospital bag." I groan. "On it." He says and runs away. I lean on the counter and take deep breaths. "Alright i got it." He says as he comes back in the room. "Help me to the car." I groan as i hold out my arm. He takes it and guides me outside. "Oh my god it's happening." I hear James say. "Good luck!" I hear Ella yell. I just ignore her and get in the car.


I'm sorry for the short chapter but i thought id speed it up a bit.

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