2. "Soaps down!"

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(Y/n's pov)

I walked out of that changing area with Thor. We walked back and into the warehouse. I find my men with the others. There a big group of us. "Ah there ya are lassie." Soap says. Everyone turns there heads towards me. "Alright let's move out!" Price yells. We all go to our designated helicopters. Mine was full of my men and i sat upfront with the pilot. I just stared into the cold dark sky that had no stars.

I wanted revenge. Kalami killed my family and i will make sure he suffers for it. I sat there imagining all the ways i could torture him within minutes. My thoughts where broken when i heard we were landing. I stood up and went in front of my men. "hør på menn. dette er krig ikke et morsomt lite spill. dere vet alle hva han gjorde mot familien min, så vi tar hevn. hvis du finner ham gi ham til meg. dette forblir mellom troppen vår. vær modig der ute. Jeg vil ikke bringe kroppen din tilbake til familiene dine, så sørg for at de ser deg i live neste gang dere alle går hjem. la oss flytte ut!" I yelled.

(listen up men. this is war not a fun little game. you all know what he did to my family so we are getting revenge. if you find him give him to me. this stays between our squad. be brave out there. i wont bring your bodys back to your families so make sure they see you alive next time you all go home. lets move out!)

Me and my men jumped out the helicopter. Of course we where only inches away from the ground. We all grouped up with ghost and soap. Price,gaz and Alahandro are going to meet us in the middle after we clear a few houses. Graves is in the air with his missiles and guns on his plane. Very impressive if i must say. The plane. Definitely not him.

"Alright lads," ghost looks at me. "Lassies. Let's move." He says. We make our way to the first house. It seems empty at first. I get on one side of the door and one my my men get the other side. I kick open the door to a lady holding a gun in front of a room. He fires the gun at me but misses. I shoot her in between the eyes. She was a threat. I open the door she was guarding and my heart dropped.

Soap walks in the room I'm in. "Shit" he says quietly. There's a baby. I get my head back in the game. I turn around and walk out. "What are you doing?!" Soap asked. "Our mission." I said walking away. I walked up the stairs and cleared out the rest of the rooms. Five guys where in the house working for Kalami.

We move to the next house and me and soap are on each side of a door. We go inside with no threats. The whole house seems to be clear. Within seconds everything in my mind went blank. Soap fell to the ground. I turn around and shoot the guy. I rushed over to soap and flip him over. There's a hole in the middle of his vest. I slip the vest off of him to be greeted by warm blood of my teammate.

"Soaps Down!" I say into my headset. "What?!" Ghost says. "Soaps been shot in the chest where are you?!" I say. I put my hands on his wound. I whistle for Thor. He was outside waiting. He comes running in. I grab the bandages from his vest. "Im a house over I'm on my way!" Ghost says. I rip soaps shirt open and bandage his chest. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see ghost rushing inside. He crouched down next to me. "go continue the mission. I'll get him to safety." Ghost said.

I got up and called Thor to follow me. As i left the house i see shots picking up soap in the corner of my eye. I make entry to another house. I cleared all the rooms with Thor. "Soaps safe." Ghost says. "Any trouble on your end?" He asked. "Negative sir." I reply. "Meet me at the green house." He says. "Yes sir" i replied. I make my way to the house with Thor. There's men everywhere.

I open the door to see ghost taking a knife out of a mans neck. "Good to see your still alive." He said sarcastically. "jævla briter" (fucking brits) i mumbled to myself. "What was that?" He asked. "Nothing stor gutt" (big boy) i said. "Come on them." He said walking out the back door. I slowly trailed behind him. I wondered what he looked like under the skull mask.

We reached the last house and went inside. "We cleared out the perimeter. If he's here he has to be in that house." Gaz said on the radio. "Copy that." Ghost said. I open the door to three men all facing the other way. The one closest to me i took out with my knife. The two other i shot. Me and ghost slowly go up the stairs. We hear talking in a room so we slowly peek in. Once they notice us they start shooting. I let ghost have this one.

The house was empty. "No sign of Kalami shepherd." I said into my radio. "God dammit!" I heard faintly in my headset. Me and ghost walk out to regroup with the others. "Thor come." I say. We are walking in silence. I see the others in the distance. I look down at Thor and give him a little scratch on the head. "Soaps gonna be fine. The bullet just went into the muscle tissue." Alajandro says. "Alright let's head back. Skar your men are at your helicopter." He says. I nod and make my way there.

Me and Thor make it to the helicopter and go inside.I notice a few empty seats where my men used to sit. I sat down in one of them. And took my helmet off. Thor sat at my feet. "er du ok løytnant?" (You ok Lieutenant) one of my men asked. I sit up and pull a knife and point it at his throat. "ser jeg ok ut?! en mann ble skutt på grunn av meg og kalami kom seg unna! Jeg burde skjære over halsen din nå hvis du fortsetter å snakke."

(do i look fucking ok?! a man got shot because of me and kalami got away! i should slit your throat right now if you keep talking.) i say. I hear footsteps at the entrance of the helicopter. I turn my head to see ghost. "kom deg ut!" (Get out!) i yell. He just stands there. "I said get out!" I yell. Once again he doesn't move. He walks inside and sits down in a seat. I get off of my man and put the knife back in it's slot. I sit in a seat next to ghost. "du bør ikke true gutta dine på den måten." (You shouldn't threaten your guys like that.) he says.

I turn to him in a little shock. "I didn't know you spoke Norwegian." I said. "Now you know." He replied. We didn't speak for the rest of the flight back to the base. Thor was at my feet the whole time. My men where chatting and taking some gear off. I was looking out the window as we landed in the base. We all stood up and went got out of the helicopter. Graves plane was landing as well. Ghost was walking towards the infirmary but i stayed with your men.

I turned around to face them. They where all lined up facing me waiting for orders. "Go get dressed and get some sleep. We lost good men tonight. Don't stress yourselves." I said. They all walk off towards the room where they got there hear on. Price walked over to me. "I want my mens dog tags to be sent home to there families. If it's possible i want there bodies ass well." I said walking away.

I walked over to the room i got my gear on. I let Thor in as well. I took my mask and helmet off. I bent down and took off his vest. I then took all my gear off and was left in leggings and a t-shirt. I put my cloth mask of and me and Thor went to the building my room is in. We walked down the long hallway that was filled with soldiers going to there rooms. I let Thor in first and then myself.

I closed the door behind me and took my mask off. I filled up Thor's bowl with water and another with food. I put a blanket on the floor under the soak for him to sleep on. I sat in bed relaxing after all the events that had happened today. My first day here and i already lost a lot of good men. I quickly fell asleep after a while of laying there in the dark.

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